More dodgy data: The Japanese Government publicly slanders the unjabbed (Updated 1 June: Even the media have noticed)
If like me, you occasionally check the Coronavirus Vaccine Information Twitter feed of the Japanese Prime Minister’s Office, you’ll have seen tweets showing far higher infection rates per 100,000 people in the unjabbed (未接種, highlighted in yellow) than in the fully double-jabbed (2回目接種済み) and fully triple-jabbed (3回目接種済み) in all age ranges (歳 means “years old” in case that weren’t obvious enough). Below is the data for 4-10 April.
As you can see, the filthy virus-carrying unjabbed were much more likely to test positive than either the fully double-jabbed or triple-jabbed. Here’s the same data being shared by former Vaccine Minister Taro Kono.
And here’s PM Kishida in his video message shortly after telling young people to rush out and get their shots
And from this data, it’s no wonder the governor of Yamanashi Prefecture told the misinformation-believing disease-spreading unjabbed, who aren’t even willing to protect themselves let alone their family and friends, not to leave the house. However, this data seems to completely contradict data from places like, er, Yamanashi Prefecture showing higher infection rates in double-jabbed than unjabbed adults.
Even more peculiarly, the unjabbed became much less plague-ridden in just two weeks! Below is the data for 25 April-1 May.
And here’s the data in an easier to read format. The blue arrows showing positive vaccine effectiveness; the red arrow negative effectiveness (hit-tip
Now the unjabbed between 30 and 79 are testing positive at rates similar to or lower than the double jabbed. It’s almost as if one could come within 2 meters of them without fear. But how did this miracle occur? Well, the bottom of the image has this info.

Basically, medical personnel are supposed to input personal information of confirmed Covid cases into the HER-SYS reporting system (age, sex, vaccination status, etc.). However, if they left the vaccination status blank, such cases were previously classified as “unvaccinated” but are now classified as “unclear.” Note that “unclear” was a separate category beforehand anyway.
In other words, the infection rate of the unjabbed dropped the same way the number of severe cases did: the numbers started being counting more properly. I say “more properly” rather than “properly” since they seem to being omitting people infected in the period of immune suppression (called the Devil’s Two Weeks in Japanese) between injection and being declared “fully” double or triple jabbed. The source of these calculations was the Coronavirus Response Advisory Board, which publishes its data on the website of our friends at the Ministry of Data Fraud Health, Labour and Welfare.
And as I mentioned a few months ago, the “unclear” make up an interestingly large fraction of Covid cases and deaths for a country where 90% of adults are jabbed. The most recent data from the HER-SYS recording system is below. Note that in this dataset, the same categorisation trick as above was pulled until Epidemiological Week 47 (i.e., November 2021), when the ratios of cases and deaths suddenly increased (decreased) for the unclear (unvaccinated). Of course, Covid deaths are still fraudulently counted and should be taken with a few grams of wasabi.)
Unfortunately for the triple-jabbed over 65s, they’ve have been making up a larger fraction of cases and deaths. But luckily for them, they can now get a fourth shot and no doubt a fifth shot soon. Because when it comes to mRNA jabs in Japan, the only thing excessive is the stockpile.
Update 1 June 2022
Even some Japanese media have decided to report on this. Below is a graph from a CBC TV news report showing the before (April 4-10) and after (April 11-17). I’m sure you can guess that red and blue are unvaxed and double vaxed cases per 100k. When asked for comment, the MHLW said they didn’t know how cases without vax status input came to be classified as unvaxed, but it wasn’t intentional. Sure, whatever.
And Nikkei Business has also reported the fraud. Below shows weekly cases per 100K for 40-49 year olds from April 11 to May 15. Gray is unvaxed; red is double vaxed, as if you couldn’t tell.