Corrected: Shot through the heart? Hot lots did NOT cause male cardio deaths to spike in early 2021.
Update 2 Oct 2023
Prof Kojima has corrected his analysis and found that cardio deaths among young men did NOT spike in Feb-Apr 2021. Apparently, he input the cumulative numbers for those months. The corrected numbers are thankfully similar to those in previous years. So the hot lot hypothesis remains unconfirmed.
Original post
My last post presented evidence for what I’ll call the hot lot hypothesis (HLH): the different rates of reported deaths among Covid vaccine batches are due to differences in toxicity, with the earlier batches being especially bad.
But some commenters brought up a legitimate issue with the HLH, which I’ll call the unhealthy vaccinee bias (UVB): the earliest batches were given to the eldest of the elderly and the sickest of the sickly who die at higher rates regardless of what does or doesn’t get injected into them. So hot lots might just be a statistical illusion that goes away once you control for pre-existing health factors, kind of like Covid vaccine effectiveness.
But in Japan, the sick and elderly didn’t get the jabs first; healthcare workers did. In fact, the high-risk elderly only started getting jabbed almost two months after low-risk healthcare workers (17th Feb vs. 12 April 2021). This is noteworthy not just because it reminds us that the jabs were primarily sold to the population as a way to “stop the spread” but also because it means the earliest batches delivered to Japan went to working-age people, giving us a chance to test the HLH free from the UVB.
And if we were to search for evidence of, say, higher cardiovascular deaths in working-age males, where better to look than the monthly statistics for deaths due to arrhythmia and heart failure rather than just deaths reported after the jabs? The below graphs come yet again from Nagoya University’s Prof Seiji Kojima.
Did you notice anything odd that happened between February and April 2021? Now, these clear spikes in deaths among men aged 20-49 due to arrhythmia and heart failure don’t necessarily prove the HLH beyond doubt. Maybe the CIA was trying out a new version of its heart attack gun in Japan at the time. But absent any other convincing explanation, I’m going to assume that Pfizer and BioNTech were scrapping the bottom of the vat to enable healthcare workers in Japan to roll up their sleeves for their first and second Covid jabs back in early 2021.
Well, any healthcare workers who got lucky in the lot lottery and who’ve kept up to date with their shots will now be able to get the seventh from this week. But not to worry. I’m sure the manufacturers have fixed any and all quality assurance issues they’ve never publicly acknowledged.
Or maybe not.
I can confirm medical workers got it before the elderly. Even we part time English teachers at med schools were offered it long before my aged in-laws were able to get theirs. It took a long time for Japan to get enough shots for every one. Even after offering them to the elderly, many had to wait a long time before they could get them.
The low autopsy rate is a crime by itself. How can somebody just rule out the shots if you don't have any proof that validates their statement.