Thanks. This one has gone into my saved folder, as some 'normies' might even be able to understand it and I want to have to to hand if such an opportunity arises. It's a great example of propaganda-media duplicity in action, as well as the W.H.0.'s agenda and corruption. Nice work, as always.

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“It's a great example of propaganda-media duplicity in action”. One of the best examples, I’ll say. I didn’t think NHK could stoop lower, but it looks like even I overestimated their honesty.

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It took me a long time, but I came to see that it is best to completely disregard any conventional notions about the so-called media. In fact, better to dispense with the incredulity altogether on this point. They are not 'the media' as we were conditioned to believe. They are propaganda tools of a powerful few who have ill-intentions for the rest of us - full stop. Therefore, the 'media' can always stoop lower and will continue to do so. Given their real mandate, there is no bottom. THIS, in my view, is how people should look upon and reconsider their 'media'. When one does this, the 'media' suddenly makes perfect sense, and it is doing a marvellous job for its masters. Atb.

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May 18, 2023Liked by Guy Gin

What a disgrace.

The tsunami of criticism on social media and the fact that is forced the NHK to apologize is a good think though. Nobody is immune to such backlash.

Japan ranks 68th in terms of media freedom… I think we all know why.

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If anything, 68th sounds too high. Those rankings often overlook the type of voluntary censorship that is more common in democracies than legally mandated censorship.

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Good point !

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May 17, 2023·edited May 17, 2023Liked by Guy Gin

I agree with the comments here. I am glad people are starting to see the media for who they are. I do not refer to NHK as NHK, but as SNK (SenNouKyouku) 洗脳局, Brainwashing Bureau. I am glad it backfired on them. They will now probably try to hide it and it will become bigger. I believe this is called the Barbara Streisand effect because "Sheeple who Need Sheeple are the Luckiest Sheeple in the World."

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May 17, 2023Liked by Guy Gin

This is excellent journalism. Thank you for this work.

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Thanks very much. Someone's got to do it, and it won't be the MSM foreign correspondents.

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Good job with this one Guy Gin. Will be sharing the link with about 20 "private" (cough-cough) F.B. groups, mostly down under.

By the way, Kitsune and I met for a lunch beer or three near Ueno yesterday ... sharing pretty much the same observations and grim laughs at the state of the corporate nation-state going globally ballistic. I did the same with a colleague and former student from TUJ today. I don't know if a face-to-face community is safe or effective in this emerging surveillance state, but maybe we could make this a regular thing and start some boots on the ground, analog networking. If nothing else, Japanese beer is still worth the trek.

Cheers from Noborito.

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I like a drink as much as anyone, so let me know about any future "networking" events. I live out in west Tokyo, so Ueno might be a bit far for me though.

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West Tokyo?

You might be closer to my neck of the woods.

Although I live in Noborito, my working-stomping grounds have been closer to the Tachikawa / Hachioji area. Last month, another ex-pat I'm subbing for introduced me to a small kaiten sushi chain you might be more familiar with ... Komazushi. ¥500 for 90 minutes of draft nomihodai! Although I love sushi too, an even better choice with the beer are those deep-fried, crunchy ma-aji bones. Beats pretzels, nuts, or chips by far!

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May 17, 2023Liked by Guy Gin

I will see the glass as half full....they were called out on this lie!

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May 23, 2023Liked by Guy Gin

Indirectly linked, a recently released book that I'm guessing you'll care to read;


Information sourced via a clinic in Sapporo: https://note.com/okinaki33/n/n82098c7b113c

Amazon Japan: https://amzn.to/3MKvyZg

Hat tip to my wife.

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Oooh, interesting. I’ll take a look. Thanks.

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You're most welcome.

They don't call him デマ太郎 for nothing!

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May 18, 2023Liked by Guy Gin

Here in Hong Kong it looks like a significant portion of the population just do not want the pandemic to end. Approximately three months after cancelling nearly all masking requirements, there are still at least 60 to 70% of people masking in public. To them it is just a badge of honour, and so it does not matter when it is 30 degree celsius outside with 95% humidity, and you are a moron if you try to explain to them the amount of CO2 they have been inhaling for the past three years. I wouldn't even bother to try explaining to them vaccine harms and injuries.

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The mask has now become part of East Asian cultural identity.

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This is just sad.

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Just awesome. The African graph is all that's needed and I've seen in many times. Can't possibly live without your posts so THANK YOU, as always, JP

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You're far too kind. If only Dr Nakatani felt the same way as you do about Africa's low injection rate.

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A low injection rate anywhere is anathema to the plan, even if low injection rate reveals exceedingly low COVID-19 rate, illness rate and death rate. Of course the majority of the population of the 5 Southern African countries I'm referring to take Ivermectin every Sunday. They call it the "Sunday Sunday" drug. In my home it's the Monday Monday drug. We haven't had so much as a cold in more than ten years and we're both 67 with several co-morbidities—I have bullous emphysema and now cancer and Ann has Early Onset Parkinson's and Asthma. So we're good! Just keep posting because I love everything you write. As I've said, Japan is of particular interest to me.

Peace & Love,


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May 17, 2023Liked by Guy Gin

I trashed my TV not long after the Fukushima disaster, at the time they switched over to "digital broadcast". Of course, I assumed that NHK would unquestioningly follow the official gov't narrative, but subverting interviewees' testimony, particularly in the case of those whose family members were lost due to the shoddy and even immoral behavior of the health authorities --- that is perhaps a new low for "Inu-atchi-ike" public TV.

Can anyone provide any pointers to "alt news"-type sources in Japanese that are getting the truth out about the scandalous handling of the pandemic and the dangers of the jabs? I'm trying to find good data to distribute to friends & acquaintances who will only believe what they see in print (and maybe in videos...), preferably of better quality than machine translation. Thanks in advance!

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I don’t know of any good alt Japanese sites, your friends and acquaintances would probably prefer more mainstream sources anyway. The best I can suggest are the articles by Prof Seiji Kojima of Nagoya Uni: a sensei you can respect.


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May 17, 2023Liked by Guy Gin

Thanks for the pointer, I'll check it out. The conservatism of the Japanese populace is both great and disturbing at times... My feeling has always been that you have not reached maturity until you realize that politicians are not your friend and don't have your best interest in mind.

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And sadly, it's what people who have been jabbed dearly want to hear, that covid is really truly so dangerous, and how good to have gotten jabbed. Well, they'll either figure it out, or they'll keep on getting jabs and the gaslighting.

Reason #976 to toss the TV.

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Relatedly-- this is one I just transcribed.

Young girl DIES from VACCINE - Her mother has an emotional message to others (Caitlin Gotze))Feb 15, 2022

Starmax News


TRANSCRIBER'S NOTE: This was filmed at an outdoor protest rally in Canberra, Australia. Raelene Kennedy holds a card with photographs of her daughter Caitlin Gotze, a previously healthy 23 year-old woman who, after her second Pfizer jab, died of an enlarged heart on November 17, 2021. This excerpt is Raelene Kennedy's answer to the reporter's question about how she feels about the government's covering up vaccine injuries and deaths. For more information see also https://www.gofundme.com/f/justice-4-caitlin



RAELENE KENNEDY (mother of Caitlin Gotze): I can't believe it because I'm just the most honest, law-abiding, we all are! Taxpayer, hard worker, like, I don't, I'm not an anti-vaxxer, I'm no conspiracy theorist, I'm just a normal person, and then one day, my daughter drops dead and all of this. I just started, I just, the only thing, I wish, I wish, I wish I had of been aware of this before. I wish I had of looked, I wish I had of researched.

If I can do anything, so far in this journey, it's been 12 weeks since Caitlin passed but she has saved lives, just getting her message out, and just so people know that if you have a shortness of breath, if you don't feel right, look up what pericarditis and myocarditis, look up aneurisms, look up everything that they're now putting out, Queensland Health and possibly the rest of Australia, I don't know, putting out, these are the symptoms. Look them up. And if you have that, MRIs are now free. Queensland Health especially has made MRIs free for vaccine-related or vaccine-suspected injuries.

So why would they do that if they've got nothing to hide? Why would they compensate you for vaccine injuries if they've got nothing to hide?

And they're saying it doesn't exist. Like, it it's just unbelievable. I just feel like it's not real, I just feel like it's a dream and one day I'm going to wake up because every other minute, like even here, I'm going, you know, I have to tell Caitlin this, or show Cailtin these beautiful German shepherds that are walking past, or there's a car that looks like Caitlin's car, or I just every other minute I think, because she was my best friend, you know? I think, I'll just talk to Caitlin. And she's not here.

And I think there are so many signs, so many signs. I think this is what she would have wanted, she wouldn't have wanted to have died for no reason. She would want to to save people, to help people, to get the message out that, just be aware and save yourself, and don't take no for an answer. No, don't be the next victim.



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A brief observation. As I feared, Japan stopped reporting Covid cases/deaths right on May 8, just as they launched a new booster campaign. Seems like they didn't like me and others poking them in the eye with the deaths/jabs graphs any more. Do you have any idea if this info is still collected/available anywhere?

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Japan has switched to a sentinel system. Basically, selected medical institutions report how many cases they have a week. Here’s the best data site I know of.


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I saw that, and even there it ground to a halt as of May 14... They took their cards off the table. No more semi-honest or even fraudulent reporting. We don't deserve any disclosure any more. Maybe 1/2 year later in the excess mortality. But something is telling me that that info will go AWOL very soon as well. Just get your jab without any factual basis. The next "deadly virus" is just around the corner, as soon as Tedros gets his magic powers in place.

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