Excellent work as always. Thank you for keeping those of us who are no longer in Japan connected to the situation.

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Bravo, bereaved ones!

Be strong.

Be peaceful.

Be determined.

Be united.

(If we did the above, they would not be grieving right now.)

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I just subscribed when I saw that article about suicides after the covid jabs. Thank YOU. I just want to know one: why VAERS data base as of Dec 2022 has only 16 reported suicide deaths after the billions of administered covid injections????

This is SO CRIMINAL! One of my family members committed suicide after the 4th dose of covid jab!! And that while being deeply religious man! I'm writing about the SARS-CoV-2 Spike genetics and from my own analysis I see there a short fragment of the so called VMAt-2 protein, commercially sold as an anti-body to VMAT-2, a protein related to our believes system. That's what's at the very end of the C-terminal section of that synthetic Spike bioweapon. I hope people will wake up and stop the criminals A.S.A.P. All the participating, also the clueless scientists should be stopped now too!

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The bereaved family members statements were perfect. All of them. Thank you GuyGin for bringing these important, gutting clips to us.

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Thanks! Hard to watch!

I have used the video of Prof. Fukushima in my post - picked it on twitter:https://live2fightanotherday.substack.com/p/law-of-increasing-returns-japan-edition

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Anyone who trusts the government after everything that has happened in the last three years needs their heads examined, in my opinion.

Personally, there was no way I was going to rush into receiving a COVID vaccine offered by the same public health establishment that had lied so consistently about the efficacy of masks and lockdowns. Barely needs saying that l don't regret reserving judgement. There must be so many people that regret being mugged off.

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tragic. I'm so sorry. what a sad end to eighty years of living and no doubt going thru many tough years and then covid - damn. Lets hope that as we spread these facts, that more people like Prof Fukushima will stand up and agitate the leaders who refuse to listen to ordinary citizens. they are as deaf and arrogant as the so-called Royal families of old.

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