Last week, I posted the viral video of Prof Fukushima going nuclear on representatives from Japan’s Ministry of Health, Labour and Welfare (MHLW).
Some other parts of the meeting have been given English subtitles, so I thought I’d share them too. These two 6-minute videos involve members of the Association of Bereaved Families of Covid Vaccination Victims (新型コロナワクチン被害者遺族会) which I wrote about here. Whereas the video of Prof Fukushima was cathartic, these videos are depressing and often uncomfortable to watch. But I think it’s important to give a platform to people whose relatives have been killed by the Covid shots, since TV obviously won’t.
The first video shows testimony of two bereaved family members, Mr Koganei and Mrs Suda.

Mrs Suda mentioned former Vaccine Minister Taro Kono’s claim that nobody had died from the jabs. Here he is saying so. Notice that his source for this info is the US CDC?
The second video shows testimony from Mrs Yamada. Note that when she says Alpha and Beta, she’s referring to the designations the MHLW gives to reported post-vax deaths: Alpha: “Causal relationship can’t be denied,” Beta: “Causal relationship can’t be admitted,” and Gamma: “Causal relationship can’t be determined.”

At the end of the second video, Prof Fukushima mentions the rumour that only 10% of MHLW personnel have had the Covid shots. I heard that rumour a while back, but the MHLW treats its Covid vaccination rate the same way the Mossad treats its targeted killings: it neither confirms nor denies any reports.
The bereaved relatives all mentioned that their deceased loved ones trusted the government. The moral of the story: don’t trust the government.
Excellent work as always. Thank you for keeping those of us who are no longer in Japan connected to the situation.
Bravo, bereaved ones!
Be strong.
Be peaceful.
Be determined.
Be united.
(If we did the above, they would not be grieving right now.)