How queer. As Denmark stops all kiddie shots Japan does the opposite. Now we know why Abe Shinzo (RIP) had to go.

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Those are only recommandations. I am not at all worried for my kids. Much more worried for brainwashed parents' kids, but there is nothing we can do for those who decided to spend the rest of their life inside the matrix. My kids never took their influenza jabs, and we never felt any social pressure on this occasion... parents around me, people I know, won't vaccinate their kids agaisnt covid.

Still, this strong recommandation is very scary... but I should not be suprised, since I believe the goal of all this is to reduce the world population.

And there is also maybe one more reason : this so-called anti-omicron vaccine could be a way to counter the vaccine developped by Walter Reed which is due for october... the globalists want to be the good guys who finally end the pandemic... who knows ? (an article about the real opertion warp speed → https://patelpatriot.substack.com/p/devolution-part-15 )

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Are you in Japan? My kid can’t go to school in Japan without a flu shot each year. Thankfully, they have not made the Covid shot a requirement. If they do, then that would be bad.

Masks are also only “recommended” yet, the longer this goes on, they more strict I have found the “recommendation” to wear a mask indoors is enforced. Half of the times I have been told I must wear a mask in a venue have been in the past week, they other half from the beginning of this year.

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I am, yes. There is no such things as to prevent your kids to attempt any school in Japan if he or she doesn't get jabbed. There is no mandates regarding such things. Actually, a kindergarten somewhere in Japan tried to implement such rule but then was severily reprimanded by the Japanese state for doing so.

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Yes, that is currently true but they are moving towards that. I can tell you for certain that university students are required to have the shot. What happens if they refuse, I have no idea. Doubt that many are. I know my med students are getting their 4th shot, if they do not already have it.

My son IS required to wear a mask all day at school and Gakudo. He was to go to Gakudo this week but if he does, he must now wear a “stronger”mask, so we are keeping him home.

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Regarding the shot : not in Japan. I work as a teacher in an university where the administration, via email, told us that no one - both teachers and students - is required to get a vaccine to teach or to attend a class. No one.

I don't know where you got those weird infos about jabs mandates in Japanese universities but they are wrong. Don't let yourself being fooled by the peer pressure (gvt and superiors of all kind) and the media.

Regarding masks, you're right. My daughter has to wear one inside the school buildings. But we will fill in a demand so that she will no longer have to do so (ノーマスク生活宣伝書). And we will succeed.

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The medical universities I work/ed for in Japan require their students and full time staff and faculty to get the shots and the two boosters. I have the emails from one university detailing this and my students at another have described similar for that school. As a part timer, I have been offered them through my schools but not required. I am, however, rather was required to follow a long list of mitigation measures including dining alone in my own home, masking everywhere, taking and recording my temperature daily, and many more. I did not and do not, but I am in the smallest of minorities in my flagrant disregard to this nonsense.

I have long before the panic learned to not trust what is in the news. One must take any information from media with the attitude of “Hmmm, I wonder how much of that is true.” and if the story is of interest, one must start digging to uncover the truth.

My information on vaccine requirements comes from communication from the universities that employ/ed me and from my students. It does not surprise me that medical and nursing schools would have different requirements, but it is my understanding that other non medical universities have also “recommended” their students get vaccinated. Which translates to a requirement in the minds of many (most?) Japanese. I doubt my senmon gakko require vaccination through one did require masks for online lessons, which I did not follow, and both do for in person classes, which I also ignore.

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Thanks for this informations. I didn't know that the medical universities were making such requirements.

I tend to ignore "recommandations", because they don't affect me. I do not in the case they translate into unlawfull "mandates", such as in the case of my daughter, reason why I will take actions in order to have the law be respected by the school. And I will succeed ; you can quote me on that.

This nonsense will end at some point. It is for certain : nothing last forever and Japan will have, at some point, to align itself with other countries. Unfortunatly, damages have been done. But in the case of Japan, where there are no legal mandates, all the harm that has been done so far is on the shoulders of the population. People choose to blindly follow their governement and to give in to peer pressure, therefore : their fault ! They will be pay a huge price for this...

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Luckily seems the Japanese are unable to mandate anything at a national level. -- A kindergarten in Japan made us fill in a form to let them know what shots our kid took. Nothing verified or mandated. After the kindergarten got all "covid-weird", and prevented us to go beyond the school entrance, I stopped using a mask and no one said anything. But eventually it just got too crazy, "encouraging" mask wearing at social events, facing a wall when eating, etc. so we moved to a place where a nursery is completely mask free. Would never let my kid to wear a face nappy, let alone get shot.

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Not able to do what you have done. Wife is Japanese and will do whatever her government recommends. So far, we have been of like mind on the vaccine for our child, but not on anything else. My kid is now in elementary school and has worn a mask for well over two years. BURNS me up with rage.

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Anyway, awesome that you can agree on not taking the vaccine. Concerning masks, required or not, social pressure is the biggest if everyone around your kid is wearing one. So I think it's important to have friends who are on the same level with you, so that your child learns there is another world/option out there. Also for the same reason I never wore a mask in public places in Japan. But fact is I have no idea what's going to happen when he starts elementary.

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WTF is going on? Back in mid 2020, I asked a coworker who is an infectious disease control expert why he was wearing a mask at school. His eyes nearly popped out of his head upon being questioned. I went on to state that while in the US navy, I had gotten qualified in respirator use and knew what they can and can’t do and…. Here he put his hand up and replied in English, “It’s political.”

Is that the reason behind them endangering not only my kid, but their own with this shot? WTF is going on?

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Who's interests are in play, where's the money coming from? Because they for sure aren't the interests of the Japanese people.

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Great questions, but need to be asked everywhere. What is going on in the US is not in the interest of the American people either.

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I am the only person I know in Japan who goes maskless. While I occasionally see a few others on the street maskless, every single person I know here either swear by them or feels it is just easier to wear them than deal with all the BS if they do not. I am also the only person I know here who is certified in the use of respirators, and am thus the only one who knows that they while they have zero benefit against viruses, they do have health risks.

I do not wear masks unless told I must. I do not wear them on the train, which has caused both my wife and son to flee from me on the train lest it be known to others that we are together. Same train car, opposite ends. I have had fights with employers that have demanded that I not only wear a mask at the work site, but also for video conferencing from my home. I did not.

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Marriages down, birth rate down, who knows about unreported spontaneous abortions, and now vaccines with serious adverse events, sudden death syndrome, etc. This isn't going to help population growth in Japan 🗾.

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