I am more pessimistic than optimistic. One of my clients is the CEO of a small company engaged in the service industry. He has been compelled to follow all the covid recommendations otherwise his petrified employees and the equally terrified patrons would revolt. This would cause great harm to his company and given all the other harms suffered these past 3 years, this would be an even bigger problem to deal with than it would be in prepanic times.

While far from universal and for slightly different reason, they have already been using a passport system of sorts. It was a year ago now that I first ran across QR Code access points. First it was to use public restrooms. Over the summer, to attend the various outdoor events that the city hosted for the first time in 3 years, you first had to apply on line and enter into the lottery for Etickets to the event. If you won, the city government emailed out QR Codes for you to display on your idiot phone to Exeter and exit the venue. You’ve seen the footage of large numbers of Chinese with their phones out trying to get through a gate, same for the events, just without the red/greed screen codes. More and more cashiers in stores and possibly entire stores are refusing cash for payment in Japan. Just yesterday I was told that I could not use cash at the register I got in line to use at one of our local supermarkets. I had to wait in line at another register. As an aside, was at the same supermarket today and saw them spraying sanitizer on shopping carts and wiping them down. So that madness remains.

Many kids will never be able to breathe regularly even if/when masking stops. In addition to whatever bacteria that may have taken hold due to prolonged overuse of masks, I have seen reported of micro plastic fibers turning up in human lung tissue. Those reusable masks are not as safe and effective as many think they are. Then we have the fact that even the misbehaving students dutifully wear their masks despite not following most every other classroom rule. They have been terrified into wearing them.

One has to search long and hard to find any single aspect of life these maniacs have not irreparably damaged.

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For what it’s worth, and setting the 5G issue aside for a moment, my experience and analysis indicate that unwitting contract workers are spraying cart handles with engineered venom at airports and multinationals such as Costco and AEON-Walmart. When it’s game on, those spay bottle are weapons of mass destruction and a primary low-cost vehicle for spreading destruction on demand. Handle carts with gloves and as if they are rattlesnakes.

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The threat from 5G is that it is needed to run IoT and the rest of the electronic surveillance they wish to impose upon us.

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5G is a weapon system. It ruptures cells in the epidermis which releases free radicals and spikes into the blood. Everywhere that sudden disease outbreaks were reported in 2020 had functioning 5G systems - even the outbreak in rural Brazil. These same regions also got the cart-handle spray. It’s not some random depopulation event. This is the main event. How many shooters took out Kennedy? The owners don’t go with one plan. There are always redundancies.

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That is one theory.

I believe a more plausible theory is one that takes your redundancy comment much further. It is my opinion that all this with Covid is just a series of pieces of a much larger puzzle. I can tell you from experience that while most do not know and fewer want to know, Americans living abroad are having every single electronic financial transaction they make reported to the US Treasury department. But it is not just American citizens but all who can be labeled as “US Persons” which include citizens of other countries who happened to spend too much time in the US or have one US citizen parent. The mechanism for this is the US law called FATCA and the InterGovernmental Agreements that every single country in the world except for N. Korea have signed. This is similar to the Venmo transaction reporting in the Sates except for all transactions. This has long history but few have any awareness of it.

Then we have FinTech which creates many opportunities to abuse and control everyone. Then we have the Internet of Things (IoT), both of theses require 5G to operate as proposed. I have personally experienced QR Codes on idiot phones used to control access to public spaces. Then we have ESG, the West’s version of China’s social credit system. This is all that is needed to reach the goals your theory supports.

We have already seen our neighbors turn on us. And not just neighbors, but also employers, colleagues, friends and even family. Using ESG scores enforced through 5G linked IoT devices to keep we naughty people out of the supermarket, bank and has station among other places and the fear of the same for anyone who would attempt to aid us is all that is needed. And, I believe, we are already seeing this.

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Yes, good points. Next level is IoB (6G) and the roll out of Human Capital Markets paired with deep capture of all public resources (privatization) and private equity buyouts of every tangible asset imaginable taking place while we analyze all things covid. For background on HCMs check out the research being done by Alison McDowell on her blog (wrenchinthegears dot com) and youtube channel (try to find a good overview presentation rather than her many short clips).

BTW, there truly are negative health effects from EMFs that can be very serious, both acute and slowly insidious. Dr Martin Pall explains how voltage gated calcium channels are triggered by EMFs and why that is dangerous. EMFs increase clot formation, red blood cell clumping, and damage cell structures to include DNA. FWIW, I'm a medical scientist. I agree the expanding control grid is our biggest threat right now.

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If you have ever been aboard a US naval vessel or perhaps seen photos you may have noticed red lines painted on the weather decks. They are usually curved and depict the outer limits of the no go area when various antennae are radiating. Anything entering these areas during transmission will be microwaved. Soft tissue, eyes and gonads first. I have not seen it myself as I was down in the pit, but shipmates have told stories of birds being roasted in flight by the various radio antennae and radars used by warships.

Yes I know that there is a risk. However, I have heard the exact same 30 years ago with the now obsolete cell phones of that era. While I no longer hear the panic over them that was the same as I am now hearing over 5G, I have read of at least a few cases of brain tumors of those who just could not keep their cell phone away from the side of their head for more than 5 minutes a day. Reminds me of a guy who got stomach or bowel cancer from eating an almost impossible amount of microwave popcorn each day for years. It was not the microwaving that caused it, rather they “butter” used on it. He consumed far in excess of what any normal, actually mora than any other human would ever think to and got cancer. He filed a lawsuit. Do not recall if he won but I doubt it.

I do believe that 5G is not something we should allow but not for the reasons we are most likely to hear about. Personally, I think those undercut our efforts to stop these tech from being adopted and fully implemented. Those crying out about health risks are thought of by those who might be persuaded as the same loonies who warned of the death of humanity over cellphone use and the dangers of 5G are thus ignored by most. I do know from those involved in building the technology, that 5G is required for IoT and more to work. Why IoT and what it entails and will spawn does not scare the hell out of all who read about it mystifies me. I guess the promised convenience trumps all else.

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“2.5 years after the late Shinzo Abe suggested it” - interesting start to the article. Tragic & discouraging that a popular & reasonable leader didn’t have more opportunity to impact Covid-burdened Japan for the better. Seeing what happened to him was beyond shocking.

Excellent article. Thank you. I’m feeling more hopeful about our May trip. Have a family member with respiratory issues who can’t breathe well in masks (dr says not to wear) but is so eager to see Japan. It’s been stressful to worry about mask rules, pressure. If it’s just social pressure, but nothing that would bar entry to places, we’re fine. Really hoping we get to experience Japan normally. Looks like a beautiful and interesting place, but also frozen in Covid nightmare currently. So grateful for the ability to read posts from you & a few others there bc it encourages us that we don’t have to conform to be respectful of Japanese people or culture. And I hope seeing more bare faced people from overseas will encourage normalcy for those who live there, for their well-being and health! Especially sad for children and those with medical issues.

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Before Covid Japan was still a nice country. Now, it is just the shadow of itself… but you can still come and enjoy the place and the food, so some shopping and go to some museum to see how the country was before this third nuclear bomb felt on their faceless head.

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Glad I found this stack. Have been endeavoring to make a trip to Japan but the insanity is the only reason I have not gone. Looks like it may happen for me before the end of 2023...hopefully before the next so-called variant triggers more insanity....

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If you come, I will show you around. I don't know anything about you but from your brief response, I can tell you are not a "normie," the type I try to avoid. There are enough places that do not follow this nonsense and I try my best to patronize those places. I suggest everyone else do the same.

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New subscriber here!

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Don't worry too much and just come and enjoy Japan.

It really depends on how well you cope with peer pressure. If you don't give a rat's ass (like me), you will be fine. I've only had the mask on here few times since March 2022 - airport customs check, hospital visit & few times while entering my employer's office in Tokyo. There was one over-zealous Starbucks employee in Shibuya that tried to demand I put a mask on, so I walked out and got coffee down the road. No a big deal.

I now call the poor bastards here "kao nashi shakai" (no-face society) based on the character in "Spiritied Away" manga. :-)

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Excellent. I don't think that staff member realizes the basic tenets of economics: People do not need to drink coffee. They also do not need to drink coffee at Starbucks. There are other options. One good thing about all of this nonsense is that people are getting a crash course in economics. Keep ruining everything for the conformists!

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Thank you and yes I can be very content being the only one of 100 people without, as long as the 99 just leave me alone. I only put on a mask voluntarily to enter a grocery store I think once or maybe twice during peak mask madness here in the states in late 2020/early 2021, and said F this I am not participating. I stopped playing dress up when I was a little kid. Occasionally have had to do it in my line of work to enter medical offices but even then I will walk in without, and make them offer to give me one if it's that important to them.

Having said all that - it will be a little depressing to walk around in zombie-land - that's the only reason I didn't come a couple of weeks ago. I am a big fan of a couple of bands over there and wanted to attend a major concert for one of them but with the restrictions (no singing/yelling/cheering) and mask requirements, I passed. But if they relax the restrictions to making everything optional, hey if people want to comply with the silliness that's their problem. Thanks!

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Unfortunately. none of these people will be held accountable for their actions. My solution is to not give money to people who are not held accountable for their actions.

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It's been a wild ride (and it ain't over yet), many thanks for keeping us appraised from across the pond.

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