Excellent, interesting and funny piece.

Not all funny (ha ha), many funny (peculiar) goings on.

I'm now beyond my sell-by date (UK based, not Japan based!), but hoped to squeeze in another last long haul holiday in Japan before it becomes impractical.

Although I am 'exempt' from UK masks (chronic respiratory condition) and although many Japanese restrictions are 'only advisory', it won't be much fun if I am looked on as a potential leper.

It will be interesting to see how things work out. Whilst never forgetting the (possibly arocryphal) Chinese curse "May you live in interesting times..."

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Yes. They deserve it. They deserve it. They deserve the natural immunity after suffering from cold-like symptoms. They are now less likely to get infected again.

Thank you for the updates. I will continue to read the Guy Gin articles for their entertainment value but I no longer associate with Covidians, also known as Morons. This is one way to stay healthy. The final straw for me was listening to a mask-wearing Moron (redundant?) talking about slavery in the United States. The irony was so thick, even the 1 micron coof particles could not pass.

I think it's time for Guy Gin to put these goofballs behind and move on to greener, coofless, maskless pastures. How about giving us some delicious recipes instead? My mouth is watering just thinking about it. The Culinary Delights of Guy Gin. That's a YouTube channel I would subscribe to.

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Whatever pays the bills. I have been thinking about filming myself walking around town making fun of mask-wearing weirdos and uploading it for all to see. I have been doing it without the camera and I haven't gotten beaten up yet. Perhaps I will. Hopefully on camera because that would increase my views. Perhaps while getting beat up, I could blurt out a few recipes.

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What's the actual masking situation in Japan right now? Can one get away without masking if prepared to withstand nasty looks?

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“You’ll notice that even people several degrees of separation from the positive case were discriminated against. Now that’s what I call stigma!” Now that’s what I call Japan. This is another. “Welcome to Japan-Japan yokoso moment.

Masks are visible, vaccine status is not. Thus, Japanese wear masks regardless of their belief in them and may not get boosted. My son wears his masks because, in his words translated to English, “I can not stand the stares.” One of my students professes to hate masks but wears one. He once asked me how I could bear the stares. I answered, “I am gaijin. I have been stared at for the entire 20 plus years I have lived here before covid.” He responded with a bow and, “Gomenasai”. What I did not say is that I am also a 6 year veteran as a pit snipe of the US navy and do not give a flying fauci what anyone thinks about me, especially mask wearing fools. Why would anyone care a wit what such people thought of anything?

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You've inspired a post on EPA/DHA, fish consumption and heart disease! https://georgiedonny.substack.com/p/fatty-fish-consumption-and-cvd



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I'm not sure about copying Japan in fish consumption.

I don't think fatty fish consumption in itself has been shown to improve heart health, I think it's the substitution of it for junk food and other meat and as an indicator of a healthier life style and subsequent slimmer waist. Supplementation with omega 3's has only been shown to improve health in those already having had a heart attack and not to prevent them.

Plenty of omega are made by the body from eating nuts and seeds.

Fish from all oceans are full of mercury, micro plastics and other contaminants, oceans are over fished or exhausted and trawler fishing kills millions of sharks and marine mammals and is a major human rights and people trafficking issue. Fish farming is an ecological, and animal and human health disaster.

I think diets with more vegetables and tofu or beans in Asian or Meditarranean diets are healthy despite fish eating and not because of it. https://georgiedonny.substack.com/p/whats-the-best-diet


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Yes eating healthily will always trump NPI because there simply is no virus https://georgiedonny.substack.com/p/there-is-no-covid

Covid is a pandemic of meaningless testing.


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