Masks being worn by sick people can NOT stop them from spreading covid, nor any other airborne disease. The mask is to droplets containing viruses, bacteria and fungus what screens are to water balloons. They break the large droplets into millions of little bitty, micro mini droplets, known as aerosols. Covid has been known for 2 years to spread via aerosols and NOT by droplets. Thus, in the case of covid, masking the those sick with it is in fact INCREASING the ability of the sick to spread it.

Masking those sick with any infectious respiratory disease does them no favors either. The mask does not, can not stop enough virus to prevent spread and MAY catch enough bacteria to keep it from spreading (This is doubtful even if the bacteria are big enough to get caught by a mask’s fibers as most of the exhaled breath flows around the mask and not through it.) but it does stop some. Some of what the body successfully rids itself of and expels vis expiration will be caught in the mask and breathed in AGAIN raises the sick’s viral/bacterial/fungal load further than it would be if they were not forced to rebreathe what they expelled.

The term “mad as a hatter” came from, as I have read, the mercury used in producing the still wool felt hats worn in the past. This would leech into the the body or the wearer or maker over long years of use and cause mental issues for the long term wearer. Similar seems to be true of the maskers. Long use with the attendant blood flow restraints of the straps and reduced O2 from reduced air intake over a period of many months has caused brain damage. Time to retire the long since obsolete term of “mad as a hatter” for a more current and appropriate term; “mad as a MASKER”.

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Not just reduced oxygen; increased CO2 rebreathing and also rebreathing gaseous transmitters like nitric oxide.

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Well, they are experts. That's why I have been following their advice for the past two years. No mask for me. Mask? I meant face diaper. Sometimes on other sites I have to be careful how I phrase things. Hope I don't turn into a NPC. Face diaper! Face diaper! Face diaper! Follow the experts. No face diaper! Got it.

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Education time;

Surgical mask is the correct name for these splash guards that have been rebranded as medical masks.

The clue is in the name "SURGICAL" mask.

Designed to protect theatre staff during invasive operations from splashes of the patients bodily fluids from entering the mouth and/or nose of said theatre staff.

You don't need any higher education to work this stuff out but invariably higher educated individuals do have problems working this stuff out.

I actually know theatre staff who don't wear the stupid things during operations on patients.

Be sensible, don't let the science cultists con you.

Have a nice day 🙋🏻‍♂️

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I would also like to add that the title is too long. It should say "Masks are useless." Full stop.

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I’ve already written a pretty definitive post on mask uselessness, which I linked to at the bottom of the above post. But the average person trusts the sensei on TV, not hard data.

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I have read it. That is why I can no longer tolerate this nonsense. Something has to be done. When it is discovered that masks really do not work, I hope those responsible pay for their crimes.

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My guess is that the Japanese government came upon the idea to get everyone to wear masks in a stupid attempt to lessen the hysteria over the virus in early 2020. They were probably under considerable pressure from the media and "public opinion" to do something, anything to appear like they were still in control. I'm not convinced people like Kishida even believe in masks, but it's useful politically since it let's him assuage the fears of the rabid covidians (who are legion here) even as he goes about reopening the country.

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More on masks. Let's consider this. If about half the population is using disposable masks, and if the weekly cost of the masks is about 150 yen, the yearly expenditure on masks comes to 468, 000,000,000 Yen. And I am only considering 60 million people. 468 billion being spent on something that does not work, makes people sick, and pollutes the environment. I know. I pick up about 60 of them off the street a week.

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Masks are pointless for anyone when trying to 'control' airborne viruses - full stop. They are useful for surgeons and those near someone that is being operated on.

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Of course comments are disabled on Eric Topol’s articles.

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I know. I now have the honour of being blocked by him on Twitter after pointing out that Japan’s 3rd dose rate isn’t 13% higher than its 2nd dose rate. You’d think he would’ve thanked me for pointing out his mistake 🤣.

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You are right the hamster experiment is completely unconvincing. And no controls are done.



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