Let's make mental institutions full again! Can we find out who wrote these guidelines, send the wagon to their homes, and lock them up for a minimum of 28 days? I would send this article to my friends but they would think it was the Babylon Bee and then tell me how funny it was. For those that know this is real, please inform them to put on a helmet before reading in case they have the sudden urge to slam their heads against the wall.

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If you’ve not already read it, check out my linked post on the guidelines for sports because I think the “conditions” for chanting at J-league games are even more demented that the ones for gigs. At least the gig guidelines don’t specify the direction people must face while singing.

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When I forgot where I was and stood up and cheered when our team got a hit, an usher come down to me and told me to sit down, shut up and put a mask on. Silly me, I thought I was a baseball game.

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I remember around the time when the govt decided to hold the Olympics without spectators, Asahi TV bullshitter/commentator Tamagawa said that baseball fans in the US could cheer their teams unmasked because the US had rolled out the jabs early. 1.5 years and 300 million plus doses later, and Japanese sports fans still can’t cheer unmasked.

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Tamagawa. More like Tamanashi (ball-less). Has anyone confronted him on this? He has to say these things if he wants to keep his job.

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Originally, I intended to say, Thank you for this tidbit. I was not aware of him saying this. Great fact to have when dealing with Japanese Covidians.

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Back on the last day of March this year, weren’t allowed to cheer with a mask on either. My first trip to the ball park in about 25 years and it was the strangest experience I have ever had at a sporting event. Almost silent the whole game, regardless what was going on.

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He was just following orders. Where have I heard that before?

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I will. Eventually. I have to rest after reading the current one. I need some time to recover. And, keep up the good work. Making (Covid) Waves in Japan will prove to be a useful source of evidence when the crimes-against-sanity trials begin.

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The trials we hope for will never happen. Too many would rather continue following the madness that admit they were fooled and hold those who fooled them accountable. Hope I’m wrong, but I don’t think so.

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Sorry, meant to comment of filling insane asylums. The only answer is the one found in the Hitchhiker’s Guide.

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You should see the rules all employees and students at a med school are to follow!

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Their commitment to stupidity is really impressive. You should post the rules. I could use a good laugh.

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Here is a machine translated then redacted version of an email I received from an employer I had at the time.

Head of Hospital, ID REMOVED

Chairman of The Committee on Measures against Infection Prevention

Ver. 20210526

New Lifestyle Standards for Faculty and Staff,

XXXXXXXXX Hospital, MMMMMMMMM School of Medicine


1. Wearing a mask (nonwoven fabric) (prevention of droplet infection)

( A ) Faculty and staff are required to wear masks in indoor common places such as on-site classrooms, corridors, toilets, and hospitals. Always wear a mask other than when eating, drinking, blowing your nose, brushing your teeth, or smoking. Cover both the mouth and nose.

Grounds: Medical school students are required to wear masks when they enter the main building (at the student's own expense). Patients are asked to wear masks in the hospital (patients are preparing themselves).  

( B ) Do not touch the surface of the mask. If it is to be touched, hand hygiene must be performed before and after.  

( C )  Use a different mask for commuting and another for work.

2. Prevention of contact infection

( A ) Avoid contact with others other than medical care and medical examinations.

( B ) Do not touch your eyes or mouth with your hands. When touching cannot be avoided, carry out proper hand hygiene is made.

3. About hand hygiene

( A ) Hand hygiene is carried out with alcohol, such as quick-drying hand sanitizers in principle (wash hands with soap when there are reactions to alcohol or when dirt is visible). When treating patients in the hospital, carry hand sanitizer with you at all times.

( B ) WHO guidelines for hand hygiene timing (1) before touching the patient (2) before clean / sterile work (3) when there is a possibility of exposure to body fluids (4) after touching the patient (5) after touching any items around the patient.

Hand hygiene should also be carried out before breaks, before and after meals, before and after using the toilet, when entering the hospital from the medical office and when entering the hospital, before and after touching common objects (keyboard, mouse, touch panel, etc.).

4. About meals

( A ) Meals are to be consumed alone.  Do not eat or drink in groups of two or more people (defined here as 会食).  

( B ) Do not have conversations during meals.

( C ) Ensure at least 1 m of distance between people and try to avoid sitting face to face as much as possible.    

( D ) Do not get or give people meals.

( E ) Don't use tableware.

( F ) Hydration is carried out in the staff room, etc., and not in the patient areas such as the corridors.

5. About meetings

( A ) Encourage web conferencing.

( B ) When holding a meeting, keep the distance between people.    

( C ) Improve ventilation and provide sufficient ventilation.

( D ) The meeting should be held in a short time.

6. About the break

( A ) During breaks, the room should be ventilated (about once every 30 minutes).   ( B ) Conversations should not be carried out without being masked.

( C ) Do not have long conversations.

( D ) Perform hand hygiene before taking a break.

( E ) Select an individual responsible for implementing staff room rules to ensure they are carried out before and after use.

7. Conversations on the university and in the hospital

( A ) Do not talk in narrow passages or corridors.  

( B ) Do not have loud conversations.

( C ) Don't talk while walking.

8. About conferences

( A ) Do not keep the station dense.    

( B ) Improve colds and provide sufficient ventilation.

( C ) The implementation time is short.

New Lifestyle Standards for Faculty and Staff, XXXXXXXXX Hospital, XXXXXXXXXX School of Medicine

(Daily Life)

1. About physical condition management

( A ) When there is poor physical condition such as fever, cold symptom, taste disorder, etc., do not commute, and confirm the correspondence to the affiliation. If the cause of fever is unknown, you will be staying at home until 4 days after fever according to the rules of the University .

( B ) The temperature is performed before going to work, and it records it.

( C ) If there are symptoms such as fever, cold symptom, taste disorder, etc. in the family, and PCR test needs to be carried out and the member must wait for the result and the correspondence is confirmed before the faculty/staff member can return to work.

2. Commuting and transportation use

( A ) When using public transportation, wear a mask and ensure proper social distancing protocols.  

( B ) Refrain from conversations on public transportation such as buses and trains as much as possible.

( C ) Overseas travel must comply with University regulations.

3. About meals

( A ) Do not eat or drink (defined  here as a 会食) in groups of two or more people other than with your family members.  

( B ) Do not have conversations while eating out.

( C ) Do not talk as much as possible when eating at home.

4. Lifestyle

( A ) Avoid snuggling. Maintain social distance.

( B ) Don't have long conversations with others.  (wear a mask)  

( C ) Hand hygiene should be performed before and after meals, before work, and after returning home after touching items touched by others.

( D ) Wear a mask in the family depending on the situation.  

( E ) Avoid situations where more than one person exercises indoors.

5. Ceremonial occasions

( A ) Check the prevalent situation in your area of residence or place of attendance, and consider participating remotely if moving or staying is a risk.

6. Participation in travel and events

( A ) When traveling, check the trendy situation of the residential area and the planned travel destination, and stop traveling if travel or stay is a risk. Don't have meals with others at the destination.

( B ) Participation in large-scale events such as sports watching confirms the epidemic situation in the residential area and the place of scheduled attendance, and if movement or participation becomes a risk, participation is postponed. Avoid having meals in the presence of others when participating.

7. Returning home

( A ) The minimum necessary for returning home is to be made.  

( B ) Do not have meals with others when returning home.

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That is hilarious. I wonder when it might okay to sing 50% of a song in a moderately raised voice? I guess we will have to wait for "the science" to tell us.

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That'll happen around the same time J-league fans are allowed to chant while looking sideways.

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It has been known for 2 years that this disease does not spread from surface contact, yet they are still spraying and wiping everything before and after use. But, they are also still mask crazy despite a body of studies a century long that show they do not work against viruses and experience that backs this up, so why am I surprised over the spraying and wiping?

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Shinzo Abe is turning in his grace🥲🥲

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