Japan rejected 1.65 million vials due to contamination. Why they would accept any more vials is beyond my ability to imagine. The UK determined that the vials contained 50-55% of what they were supposed to contain. It's all democide, genocide and evil.

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Free jabs... there's no such thing. So many suckers!

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Nice write up on the situation there.

I liked the song title parodies/references for the headers.

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More comedy gold! Thank you for the laughs. Keep them coming. I know this is true but I have to stay positive. It will be easier for me to get a seat on a plane I guess.

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It's hard to empathize with a lemming but that's about the only way to understand the Japanese.

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I like to think Osaka would be a little less into this garbage than the country as a whole. Is that the case?

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You’re right. It has the lowest 5-11 vax rate.


Why do you think that is? Outside of Kansai, the other low vax prefecture

Is Okinawa. The commonality could be distrust of authorities in Tokyo.

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I probably half-remembered reading your post from November, but mostly it’s because of time I spent there and friends I made, and “mokari makka,” and that kind of no b.s. culture.

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I like to watch sumo on Youtube, and I've noticed that at the current basho, a significant (and encouraging, to me) number of people in the audience are wearing their masks below their noses (mostly men), and some simply have it hanging off of their ear (again, mostly men). The women appear to be much more compliant facemask wearers.

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It's a psychological shield. Makes them feel safer in the safest society on planet Earth.

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Over Here, wondering what the provinces and country districts are like...?

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The vax rates are higher in rural areas, presumably because trust in the authorities/TV is higher and peer-pressure is stronger.

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That's very interesting, and not unexpected, for the reasons you cite, such as deference to higher authority, and conservatism. Thank you.

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In case you missed it, I wrote about the urban-rural difference in 5-11 vax rates two months ago. The gap is large, and not in good way for rural kids. https://guygin.substack.com/p/regional-news-asks-if-kids-jabs-increase

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I try to keep up with your output, and I shall certainly use that link you have provided, Thank you, "Outsider" (no insult intended, and a marvellous pun!)

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So, the urban people are not that dumb, they are just bottled-up? Can't even think to say what they think, but they DO think!

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The result of a recent survey showed that about 56% of the Japanese people are in favor of the reevaluation of covid as a level 5 virus, pretty much like the flu. With the Fauci files coming out on Twitter, they better hurry up…

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In fact, I see people wearing masks outside, walking their dogs. WTF?

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I see people wearing two tightly worn masks every day. I'm dumbfounded.

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