Well I know 2 things: whatever they say about the new whatever-it-is, to jabs and masks I say, NO thank you. Most people though, still don't have a clue about the problems with jabs and masks, and they don't care to get a clue, either. But it is changing. The future will undoubtedly be Interesting.

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Jun 9, 2023Liked by Guy Gin

They sure love the face rags over there. Some still do on the East Coast of the U.S. as well. I have seen an uptick in mask wearing over the past few days here due to the wildfires and bad air quality. The “experts” are advising people to wear a “high quality” N-95 masks when outdoors. Some people are happily back in their masks. Of course no one thinks to ask if they have any evidence that such masks actually stop tiny hazardous fine particulate matter produced by wildfires. I have actually read that most of these particles are too small for an N-95 to stop from penetrating the mask. So, we are back to the same old stupidity that we have followed over the past three years. Humanity is a total clown show.

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It seems people need to feel like they are doing something, even if that something is not only stupid and illogical but even counterproductive.

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