“the lack of written documentation made it impossible to determine if the 882 million shots were excessive, insufficient or appropriate.”!? They document the fauci out of everything here. If this is true, it is because they did not a paper trail leading anywhere embarrassing. Well, more embarrassing than this huge lapse in procedure and “judgement”.

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Japan is NOT the only ZOG Colony in ASIA that got mRNA it was also deployed in

Taiwan, & South-Korea

Taiwan & South-Korea are of course the source of the world's high-tech chip manufacturing; Of vital interest to CCP, and its said 1yr without TSMC (Taiwan) semiconductors and US-MIL is dead;

The USA makes no vital technology, 100% of MIL advanced semi-conductors are made in Taiwan.

These are all US-MIL colony's since WW2, including Okinawa near Japan that has a huge US-MIL base;

So if your going to look the mRNA clot-shots, then you need to research Taiwan&South-Korea as well;

I'm not certain about Philippine, my guess is they got SINOVAC from China, like Mexico; China 2.0 NWO wants SE-ASIA as pardners.

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A company in Holland makes the chip etching hardware. Recent approval for a chip fab in Arizona, so some scrambling now in USA.

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Fewer doses ordered means less in kickbacks. How is that a weak basis? Seems perfectly logical to me.

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Natural Immunity is free and has been proven to be more effective. Oops. I will take an "oops" over the doubling down at this point.

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That is small beer: Canada has procured 400mln doses for its 37 mln population - enough to exterminate them all 2x over.

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882M/126M>>7 jabs per person.

Had all those jabs been deployed, were everybody not dead, they'd have wished they were.

More doses> more injuries> more deaths.

The WEF and its kind have deep tentacles.

Fortunately, not deep enough.

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Remember recently when the ex-SpecOp MIL guy shot down the ex PM in Japan

The MIL guy took out the PM, because the PM had sold out Japan to UN-IMF NWO


Today the Nationalists in Japan are mad as well about the zio-jab

Did you also know that last year China bought all patent right for mRNA death jab from Canada??


This gives CHINA access to all the mRNA made in the world, even if not one Chinese person ever has had mRNA, as they only get SINO-VAC a non mRNA covid vax.

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No, Ex-Japanese PM Shinzo Abe Was Not Assassinated for His COVID-19 Response

Yoshihide Suga was the Japanese Prime Minister when the nation began its vaccine rollout.


Then of course there is the CIA denial of the denial of the denial;

Yes, Abe wasn't in power when mRNA was bought, ABE was just the poster boy for IMF-WEF-UN bullshit in Japan;

"""The viral post reads, "Assasinated Japanese PM didn't follow WEF orders. Didn't mandate vaccines, sent 1.6 million doses back and gave citizens ivermectin. Make sense now? (sic.)""""

Clearly this post that drives all speculation is /sarc right folks?


"""Moreover, Abe had resigned as Japan's PM approximately six months before the nation began rolling out vaccines, hence could not have been assassinated for his policies on vaccination.""

That's right he was not assassinated cuz of mRNA, he was assassinated for being WEF Leader

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Looks to me from the link above to be a deranged lone shooter, acting alone out of some personal vendetta to do with his mother being in a religious cult. Occupational risk of being a high-profile politician, I guess.

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Didn't Scotland just vote a Jogger ( common house negro ) to be their PM??? Hows that working for you??

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Grade school inquiry;


I will play your game just a few volleys

1.) Just about everybody in Japan is in a fucking cult

2.) This guy the shooter was a martial arts master, a top level Japan Special Forces hand2hand instructor, meaning he was the best of the best; Like a USA Navy-Seal;

3.) Japan is the worst prison jail system on earth, they torture and they could get you to sign a document that said anything they want, a signed confession in Japan means nothing.

4.) The narrative that he shot PM because they hurt his mother, what else are they going to do? Say that the Nationalist's just took out WEF sponsor #1 in WEF Owned Japan???

He built the gun from material found in the garbage, and was able to get close range to the PM, and dump two into the chest; Disguising as a cameraman, and fabricating a double-barrel shotgun to look like a camera;

Abe was known to all as an outspoken WEF UN IMF man;

The shooter was part of a Nationalist Organization trying to Make Japan for Japanese and sick of the post WW2 ZOG occupation.

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retired PM: this implies a grudge as the man held no office.

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Abe, The ex-pm was still running the WEF IMF Japan Organization;

He was facilitating the building of new US-MIL bases on Japan, to be used to fight the coming war with Taiwan, the Nationalists didn't want Japan to become a target in the coming 'war' with China, over Taiwan;

The goal is to destroy Japan

The place where Abe was killed is called "NARA" the most holy place in all of Japan, no accident that place was chosen;

Nara is famous for having Solid Gold Buddha worth 100's of Billions of USD, ZOG wants that GOLD and is trying to ignite a war in Japan as a pretext to Grab all their loot;

The only reason that US-GOV didn't steal all the GOLD in Japan back then is they didn't know the BUDDHA was made of solid gold, but now they do know;

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Japan is a ZOG colony since WW2 ending


China wants all the Japs in Japan Dead;

Mission accomplished.

ZOG - Zionist Occupied Governments, all UK-comonwealth (USA too), and all colonial settlements usurped by USA since 1871, includes Germany


Follow the Money

Days after Prime Minister Shinzo Abe launched a nearly $1 trillion stimulus package to battle the pandemic's financial fallout - COVID big money buys IMF/UN loyalty in Japan


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"Lack of documentation." So were the Japanese contracts ever released to the public unredacted? Or was it just the auditor who has seen it? This is the contract situation in Australia and it is not good. https://vicparkpetition.substack.com/p/australias-vaccine-contracts-a-paper

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The govt signed NDAs with the vax makers, so they’ve released the contracts for even in redacted form.


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*they’ve not released

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I was going to say....I would be extremely excited to read those contracts...

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I’m sure the contents of the contacts would make my blood pressure rise, but not through excitement 😂.

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It's a Clown Show in Japan too:


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Quantity over quality...yet again.

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Im thinking of Victor Hugo and the head slicers.

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If they had researchers capable of developing a vaccine they could’ve also tested a batch of vaccines for effectiveness. But ordering 7x as much! Maybe these contract deals should always be made public and approved first.

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