As a long term gaijin living in Japan, I can say that as the panic continues, their obsession over masks increases. I have had employees at business tell me I had to mask or leave 3 times last week. A personal record for such a short time.

Last week my family left Tokyo for the Sea of Japan for a family reunion of sorts. Both of my wife’s brothers and one of their wives have had covid. All are treble shotted, wear masks, use hand sanitizer constantly, I mean wearing masks all the time out side and in between bites while eating at their aunt’s home and sanitizing their hands before and after passing dishes around. Yet they all got covid. They not only do not question the effectiveness of these precautions that did not protect them from infection, they discussed how it is that Japan fared so much better against covid than other countries. Why of course, it is because other countries do not enforce masking as strictly as the Japanese do!

How do we defeat this madness?

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Your in-laws sound like the kind of people who won't believe anything unless TV says it. And TV has spent the last 2.5 years lying that magical masks have saved the Japanese from Covid!

How to convince them otherwise? The best I can offer a 2019 Japanese-language article by Prof Masayuki Miyasaka of Osaka Uni about why masks don't work. He's been on TV, so they can trust him.


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Thanks for this resource. It will not work for my wife and her family, but will be useful in class.

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Do your relatives have any awareness of the lack of masking in the Nordic countries (not just Sweden)? I understand how mind-warped people are about masks, but there must be ways to reach them.

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As my wife said, we are not to consider such things. The rule must be obeyed. That is Japanese thought and the genesis of much of their problems.

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The word "shotted" does not exist.

"How do we defeat this madness?"

The Japs should revert to pre that Yankee gaijin who first visited Nippon.

Minutes ago I saw some high school students walking on a beautiful sunny afternoon masked.

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I've heard some hotels in Wuhan and a few other places in China are not allowing bookings from anyone who is not Chinese. This includes obviously foreigners who live and or work in China. It sounds like a dystopian hellhole. No end in sight to the promotion of the jabs that don't work and are unsafe. It's breaking brains.

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