“As preventive measures, the government will expand consultation services using SNS and promote `education on how to issue an SOS' taught in schools on how to seek advice when worried.” What a load of shit. This sounds like an excuse for the government validating its existence. The media and the gov need to stop the fear mongering and start talking about purpose in life. It seems to me the about 97% of population does not have one, apart from wearing a diaper on their face.

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Can you imagine the advice miserable teenagers would've got ringing up the MHLW suicide SOS hotline 2020-2023?

Kid: I hate masks! I hate silent lunches! Everyone I know who's had Covid said it was just a cold. I think I'd rather die than continue this.

Advisor: Yes, I see. Well, everyone's doing their best. Everyone's putting up with it (皆は頑張ってる。皆は我慢してる。)

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Recently I have discovered that peer pressure and virtue signaling should be considered causes of death, whose rated are probably higher than those of the Coof.

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I think that started, with taking God / Bible / prayer out of the classroom. Then, the American flag.

Gobble up the good, enriching attributes, poop out an inferior worldview, with lots of new “virtues” from a dark society.

And the downfall continues...

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I can imagine many good reasons to burn the American flag in every schoolroom across the world. Do you really need me to point out why the USA is the greatest threat to world peace, and has been since 1945: or will you just back off into your fantasy world?

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Lets now move to the God/Bible/prayer thing.

Just about every single Catholic, Muslim, and Protestant religious school I know has been the centre of massive allegations of historical abuse. Nuns have even been jailed. The facts are simple: religions are used not to empower and inspire children, but to terrorise and indoctrinate them. I would ban all religion from all schools on that basis.

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Thanks for the article! I still have many of the girls masked in my English classes. The tragedy is that I got used to it and became numb; it doesn't bother me anymore and I don't care anymore. I can see the effect of social programming even on me; I kind of accepted that this is the norm, and many people will mask forever. :'(

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Thanks. I’ve added “of”.

I know how you feel. I walk passed a junior high school every day, and the girls playing tennis are always masked. It says a lot about Japan that none of them thinks they look ridiculous.

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The Japanese have always been rather partial to face-masks - I lived in Japan in the 1970's and they were quite a common sight on the commuter trains. But this was individual choices - mass-masking over such a long period is child abuse.

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People in Asian countries, in general, would choose to wear masks When They, Themselves, Were Sick. In polite society, one does not wish to flagrantly spread one’s own contagious illness.

In an Authoritarian society, The Power dictates that Healthy People MUST Be Masked. That’s an aberration of a voluntary polite gesture. And then, The People must refuse to play along with that insane infringement on their God-given autonomy. Period.

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in my own family there was NEVER EVER any suicide, until 2023, when an 80 years old uncle, AFTER THE 4th covid INJECTION took his own life, and that, while being a Christian!!!

To try to indicate it's 'only' the masks, is a plain flat LIE or a complete cluelessness!!!

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This is despicable. The truthful professionals, pundits --anybody with common sense-- were warning of the likely / expected outcome of the bogus convid protocols. Now, the proof is in the pudding. “Oops. Oh well.”

The idiots who ordered & enacted the protocols don’t have to suffer for their purposeful blunders. The folks who blindly trusted, or just went along with them, Do Have to Suffer.

We, the people --especially the children-- are dispensable, disposable. One death is a tragedy. A million deaths... a statistic. The powers that (shouldn’t) be, have an unquenchable thirst for power, money, control. Any way they can exercise that, they will.

And they’ll make $hit up, if they have to, to manifest that control.

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Sorry, I have been behind in my readings and am just reading this. Or I forgot that I had and replies, not sure which.

However, it is now February 21, 2024 and over half of my 4th graders class is still wearing masks and they are still not allowed to talk during lunch. They are now allowed to whisper to those beside them but only after they have completely finished their meal. They are told that it has always been thus. When I pick the same kid up from juju, around half of the kids are still wearing masks as are most of the teachers. By most I mean I once saw a single teacher without a mask.

I too wondered about the school closure remark. It almost seems like WHO ever is behind all this issued excuses to each countries government who then translated them to their national languages.

How is it that there is a single human being that is surprised that there would be dire consequences for kids who were treated as filthy, deadly disease carrying criminals for 3 and a half years? These people have earned the severest punishments possible.

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your substack deserves more attention in Japan. What is keeping your articles from getting the attention it deserves?

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Called it in '21.

Regarding the testimony of the health worker above ... now having downloaded several hundred podcasts (and a few written pieces) about the Lahaina Massacre, one glaring gap in the emerging picture is that the first responders who were ordered to block exits and turn drivers back into the fire, were first screened for compliance to authority a couple of years earlier. They were given a 'choice' of either getting the jab, or looking for another job. It doesn't take much in the way of stats to see a correlation.

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I think the use of vax requirements to screen for compliance to authority is a underrated adverse effect of the Covid jabs. Of course, this effect is especially bad in the US, where elite universities can use vax mandates to screen out crimethinkers.

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Underrated, yes, by those on whom this was perpetrated.

But this likely outcome was predictable by researchers in developmental psychology, carefully calculated as part of a dehumanizing lock-step plan, and despite scattered outcries, will be mandated again ... just like the arbitrary 6 foot social distance fausted on us by Fauci, or the no talking 'suggestion' on platforms or trains by JR.

Out of consideration for time, will not copy-paste the GPT4 response here, but my off-the-top-of-my-head prompt was "Can you please summarize the history of some important research regarding the role of facial recognition in developmental psychology?" The response was broken down into paragraphs by decades beginning in the 1960's, and only further verified the planners of this great theft knew exactly what they were doing.

JMHO, but I think the majority of us have underrated the malevolence of those whose who were, and still are, pushing us to the limits of dehumanization. If the decades of 'scientifically proven' denial of correlations between smoking and lung cancer are not enough, 15 seconds of this video ... 12:15 — 12:30 https://lionessofjudah.substack.com/p/they-signed-in-but-they-didnt-sign?utm_source=profile&utm_medium=reader2, 15 seconds ... is only a fractal of The Holocaust, The Killing Fields, the Great Leap Forward, The Armenian Genocide, The Rwanda Tutsis, The Guatemalan Genocide, Bosnia-Herzovogina, East Timor, The Nanking Massacre ... and these are just a few of the highlights of the 20th century alone.

Triangulating between the psychology behind those iconic Star Wars Stormtrooper masked helmets and the nudge units Laura Dodsworth uncovered, my guess is that someone knew exactly what these masks are designed to do, and it is nothing to do with preventing the spread of viruses.

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Jan 31, 2024
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Thanks for letting me know! It’s been deleted.

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