Hey Hiroshi! Why am I still alive? Why haven't I gotten sick in 4 and a half years? And, why do you make more money than me. People who tell the truth should get paid more than people who lie for a living. I know some homeless guy named Hiroshi and he has been more accurate than you. His words: "All this Covid stuff is bullshit!" End homelessness! Donate all of the kickbacks you are getting and give it to the homeless version of your namesake. Then punch yourself in the head 12 times.

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Oh, you are already dead. You and I are ghosts. But then again, so is all of humanity as global warming killed us all decades ago.

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Sometimes I think you and I are the only ones who are still alive as there are mindless soulless weirdos roaming the streets with diapers on their faces, phones in their hands and stinky socks on their feet (that's the best I could come up with for a rhyme with streets).

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Can ghosts be as stupid as the living?

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We live in "The Truman Show," don't we?! Call me cynical but the peer-review system is corrupt and worthless, part of the problem. Thank you for calling the liars out and for speaking truth for those with ears to hear.

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Yes the peer review is broken. It has been for many years prior to Covid and in most if not all fields, not just medicine. But far too few knew this in 2020. Too few now know this.

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Yes, agreed :(

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Here are some ways viroliegists "prove" transmission:

Louis Pasteur, 1881 - For rabies, tried to demonstrate transmission by injecting diseased brain tissue "directly onto the surface of the brain of a healthy dog through a hole drilled into its skull."

Simon Flexner and Paul A. Lewis, 1910 - Spinal cords from deceased children were ground up and emulsified to be injected into the brains of monkeys.

John F. Anderson and Joseph Goldberger, 1911 - Injected blood from a measles patient directly into the heart and brains of monkeys.

Carl Tenbroeck, 1918 - A mixture of ground up rat's livers, spleens, kidneys,

testicles, lungs, hearts, and brains was injected into the brains of other rats.

T.M. Rivers et al, 1929 - “The serum to be tested, from J., was mixed with an equal amount of virus, and then 0.25 cc. of the mixture was injected into each testicle of Monkey” and “The results of the above experiment indicated to us that the serum from an individual who had had varicella many years previously did not contain sufficient antibodies to prevent the appearance of inclusions in testicles inoculated with chicken-pox virus”

Claus W. Jungeblut, 1931 - Ground up monkey spinal cord was injected into the brains of other monkeys.

Wilson Smith, 1933 - “The infected animal is killed when showing symptoms, often at the beginning of the second temperature rise. The turbinates are scraped out, ground up with sand, and emulsified in about 20 c.cm. of equal parts of broth and saline. The emulsion is lightly centrifuged, and about 1 c.cm. of the supernatant fluid is dropped into the nostrils of another ferret.”

Thomas Francis and Jr, T. P. Magill, 1935 - Ground up ferret lung tissue was injected into the brains of rabbits.

Ann G. Kuttner and T'sun T'ung, 1935 - Ground up kidney and brain of a guinea pig was injected into the brain of another guinea pig.

Erich Traub. April 01 1936 - Ground up mouse brain was injected into the brains of guinea pigs.

Albert B. Sabin and Peter K. Olitsky, 1937 - Ground up mouse brain was injected into the brains of other mice.

G. John Buddingh, 1938 - Ground up chick embryo was injected into the brains 2 or 3 day old chicks.

Gilbert Dalldorf, 1939 - Ground up ferret spleens was injected into the brains of mice.

Claus W. Jungeblut et al, 1942 - Ground up brain or spinal cord of paralyzed mice was injected into the brains of 13 monkeys.

Henry Pinkerton and Vicente Moragues, 1942 - Ground up brain tissue from dying mice was injected into the brains of pigeons.

C. Kling et al, 1942 - Injected sewage sludge into the brains and abdomen of monkeys. This convinced him that he had isolated a virus and proven that the sewer is a vehicle for polio transmission.

D.M. Horstmann, 1944 - Allegedly "proved" that the feces of polio patients contained "poliovirus" by injecting fecal samples into monkeys' brains and spines.

Joseph E. Smadel et al, 1945 - Ground up pigeon spleen was injected into the brains of mice.

F. Sargent Cheever et al, 1949 - Ground up mouse brain was injected into the brains of rats and hamsters.

JUST as it happens in nature. LOL! I wonder why the test animals got sick? What could possibly go wrong with having your NUTS injected with serum?

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You wonder why these extremely contagious infectious diseases aren't tested by: supposedly collecting virus from whatever diseased tissue, ground up, etc, put into a petris dish, etc, etc, etc.

Then put into a misting bottle and lightly misted and sprayed in an animals face and on its food, or maybe just scratched lightly into its skin (extreme level test).

If they are so obviously contagious the contagiousness should be able to be demonstrated via the purported means of contagion, especially in an otherwise clean controlled environment.

But they never seem to do this.

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Maybe he meant that they would all have caught Covid two or three times, LOL!

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He he he. I know one who has caught it twice. Once before she got the clot shot and again after she got the shot.

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"It’s a wonder he hasn’t applied his skills to climate modelling too." One of the best lines yet. And GuyJin has a lot of good one-liners!

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I keep wondering why Dr. Delores Cahill has said anyone who even took just one covid vaxx will be dead in three to five years? I have not read this anywhere else.

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I don’t know if you already read Mathew Crawford’s Substack, but he presents a lot of evidence to suggest that many on the anti-vax side are controlled opposition who say ludicrous things to discredit and misdirect honest opposition. Cahill may fall into that category. https://roundingtheearth.substack.com/

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Hmm. p-hacking 101. .... a college course desperately needed but will never be taught except behind closed doors ... maybe one of those Mike Pompeo CIA course on lying, cheating, and stealing.

Another one I am increasingly less certain about is uncle Bob. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jCS4NdCbeBU

Ooops. Wrong link. This one ... especially from around the 30 minute mark:


Take care Guy Gin. Looks like you might be on somebody's radar.

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Hey, Steve! Have you read what George Webb has to say about Malone?


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Hi Tirion. Thanks for the heads up ... but he appears to be keeping his opinions behind yet another pay-wall I can't afford.

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Ah, yes. I'd forgotten he's introduced a pay-wall. Webb is an excellent investigator but a terrible writer. He claims to have some very interesting info about Malone going back to the anthrax aspects of 9/11. IMHO, worth paying the $8 once to access and download his archive!

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Brilliant idea! I understand the need to make a living ... but cringe at those who put up a pay-wall around what should be a moral obligation to a public commons. I will think about that, but on the other hand, have gradually come to an unfavorable assessment of 'renaissance - man / Bob's your uncle' with his jet-setting ways, marginal repercussions for "supposedly" taking the jab, and now dismissed law suit against Peter Breggin. But I can't dismiss him from my consciousness either. I think he is just smart enough of a high functioning Cluster B type to fool a lot of people and be a danger to we mere cattle.

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I have read elsewhere that many who took the vax will likely die before 2 years have passed since their second dose.

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Delores by name, Deplorable by nature! She stands with Van Den Bossche on the 'Doomsday' end of the predictors. Her speculations are just as puerile as those on the other end of the 'Make up a number and double it' equation, like Prof Pantsdown Ferguson.

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Jan 23, 2024
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Where did Richard Fleming go?

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Funny that everyone I know personally who got Covid after the vaxxes were introduced were vaxxed…with one possible exception. I know one unvaxxed person who caught Covid but I do not when they did. This is a different person from the one I know who caught it twice, once before the vax was available in Japan and once after they got the vax.

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I think this guy is auditioning for a position as Election Commissar in the US.

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Wait, what? 50% would have been infected with Delta except for the vaccine? Didn’t Delta sweep through BEFORE the vaccines were available in Japan?

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Does the Japanese government have in its possession a purified isolated SARS COV 2 virus?? If yes, please post info. And are any J politicians opposing the World Harassment Organization's plans to anti Nuremberg Code zee verld?

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The modelling is a farce upon the farce of no government around the world being able to produce evidence of a purified/isolated SARS COV 2 virus. You'd think it would be easy after all this time. The typical methods viroliegists employ to "prove" they av a virus goes something like this. Put some snot on a cell culture, starve the cell culture, then poison with antibiotics, then notice cytopathic (cell breakdown effects), blame the "virus" in the snot that was never purified or isolated (why bother when you can employ circular reasoning), then stain cell culture with toxic heavy metals prior to electron micrograph imaging and have a whitecoat interpret the pics as a virus. Don't run the same experiment minus the snot, i.e. run a control experiment in line with the scientific method cos that would produce the same cytopathic effects and prevent the WHO and governments terrorizing the global populace with fear, mandates, and toxic jabs!

Here are Christine Massey’s FOIs requests to most governments around the world asking for evidence that they have a virus isolate. All come back with a NO!


After opening the link there is a brief introduction and then all links to 220 FOIs requests. It’s an eye opener!

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Many thanks for all the great posts and this one. Must take lots of money spread far and wide to get this madness published and hyped by MSM.

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