I had to download the PDF and all of the linked statistics used so I can understand this better. THANK YOU for finding and posting this. As always, thank you most sincerely. Peace & Love, JP.

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I have said this before and I will say it again. Why do we need a vaccine for a virus with a 99.97% recovery rate? Today, about 30 people may have died in a bathroom accident and there is no outrage. Where is the vaccine to make bathroom floors less slippery? Where is the bathtub- drowning vaccine? Where is the heatstroke vaccine? All this would end if these nutters were given the anti-clown vaccine. I am totally against mandatory medical procedures but I can make exceptions for the common good.

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This is the vax against cliiimate-chaaange.

The vax for the planet.

And every poor sucker taking the jab voluntary is acknowledging that he/she/it is the virus.

This is some twisted elite brain-fart save-the-word and control stuff.

Dark times.

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Extremely dark times. I tried to warn people but peer pressure is a helluva drug.

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1,000s of people die or are severely injured every year on bicycles. 2 or 3 child deaths and injuries recalled all Pelaton's and a crib death results in a full crib recall. Even a small vehicle problem causes 10s of 1000s of cars to be recalled.

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GSK's swine flu jab got pulled from the market for causing narcolepsy at a rate of 1 in every 52,000-57,500 doses (https://www.bmj.com/content/346/bmj.f794). Compare that to the rates of serious AEs with the Covid jabs.

The authorities have used Covid as an excuse to lower the bar on drug safety, and I don't see it being raised back up any time soon.

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The lower they go, the lower their credibility follows. A parallel economy will emerge. Tyranny will fall. It always does.

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Yep. But everyone is hyper-focusing on Covid. Something stinks.

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What is up with these 'preprints' on bio or medrxiv.org websites??? These are NOT peer reviewed and are fed from pharma direct to MSM. Even if sometimes the content seems counterintuitive, lableaks, myocardititis, they control the whole narrative. They know what they are doing https://georgiedonny.substack.com/p/peer-reviewed-articles-are-not-published

Can anyone publish anything on these websites?. I think we should write a paper and see.


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BioRxiv and medRxiv both reject preprints that don't match the narrative that they wish to see.

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ah! so we probs couldn't get a paper published

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It is still possible to publish - major journals are more likely to play delaying games pretending to consider your article; unjustified retractions have been occurring when complaints are directed at editors/journals; other options do exist at the price of visibility.

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