I had to download the PDF and all of the linked statistics used so I can understand this better. THANK YOU for finding and posting this. As always, thank you most sincerely. Peace & Love, JP.

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I have said this before and I will say it again. Why do we need a vaccine for a virus with a 99.97% recovery rate? Today, about 30 people may have died in a bathroom accident and there is no outrage. Where is the vaccine to make bathroom floors less slippery? Where is the bathtub- drowning vaccine? Where is the heatstroke vaccine? All this would end if these nutters were given the anti-clown vaccine. I am totally against mandatory medical procedures but I can make exceptions for the common good.

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What is up with these 'preprints' on bio or medrxiv.org websites??? These are NOT peer reviewed and are fed from pharma direct to MSM. Even if sometimes the content seems counterintuitive, lableaks, myocardititis, they control the whole narrative. They know what they are doing https://georgiedonny.substack.com/p/peer-reviewed-articles-are-not-published

Can anyone publish anything on these websites?. I think we should write a paper and see.


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