Details I have observed.

Primary schools reopened May 2020 as stated, but universities did not. At least not all. My medical and nursing schools are in the classroom this school year for the first time in 4 years, 3 full school years being online. The reason I was given for primary schools being open band universities closed was that university students were expected to have learned how to study on their own while primary students have not.

But even with the open primary schools, club and other extracurricular activists were widely banned. My kid’s elementary school is STILL enforcing Mokushoku. Then we have the fact that masking by itself greatly impedes social contact.

Further, enforced of not, many of the places where young women worked before covid were closed for much of the past three years. There are articles stating the closures of bars and restaurants disproportionately affected women as more of those employed in such business as part timers were women.

A great many did follow all of the covid recommendations. I know people who put off their weddings and or honeymoons. A great many followed the “recommendation” to not cross prefectural borders. My classes are supposed to be conversation based classes. No much to talk about when few have left their apartments in weeks, months and then years. Those who ignored the school’s rules and went out and tried to have fun would not talk about their experiences out of fear of a classmate reporting them or of offending a classmate. Choosing material for class that did not focus or harder still, even mention any of the normal activities they were banned by their schools was impossible.

The lockdowns lite we endured in the greater Tokyo area were in some ways just as hard or worse than the hard lockdowns of other countries. Yes, we were allowed out of the house, but where could we go with everything closed? Once they partially reopened, everything was rationed. We had lotteries for attendance to outdoor events in the big city park that used to be “come one and all” events. Same for museums, aquariums, local music concerts. If it was allowed to be held, one needed to apply for a lottery to receive the QR code that would allow you to enter and leave events.

So we have the mask as a barrier to socializing, few if any extracurricular activities for students of any age and zoom classes for 2 or more years for many college students and no employment opportunities. All due to “recommendations”. In one school alone, I have 3 struggling students out of the two 7 student classes and two others out of a 20 person class. Another will not even provide a photo of herself unmasked for the student ID card/class participation records I make for each student. All 34 students are female. This number, 5, of students having problems is greater than all those I had experienced in the previous 17 years combined. AND, this is exactly what many warned about. There simply is no other possible outcome to this madness they put us through.

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Hey Fox, thanks for the update. My husband and I used to travel every year to Japan, sometimes twice. We went back just this past May and were stoked to see the few maskless folks out and about. Being a collectivist country, being a maskless crusader is warrior stuff! Go team go! May the time move past when many who have lost their minds, regain sovereignty.

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Oh no! Some has deciphered my name! :)

Maybe but not for much longer. This has destroyed my career. Not just that, employability. Until they let go, completely, of the mask myth, there will be friction at best between my employers and myself. I am wondering if anyone will even now give an interview to an unmasked person.

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That is so terribly sad.

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are you covid 'vaccinated', i.e. genetically modified via synthetic Sars-CoV-2 Spike toxin by any chance? Injections across the entire globe for the universal GENE THERAPY changed every nation on this planet and one has to TALK ABOUT IT!

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Yep. Got it knowing what it is. Coerced and hoped to keep it out of my kids.

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what and how much did you know???

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I knew that covid did not warrant a vaccine, that I probably already had covid rendering the vaccine unnecessary at best anyway and that the claims that it was safe and effective were empty as there simply was not enough time to have known.

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so pity to hear all that. And even worse, you got the injection yourself apparently just to 'rescue' your children?? Did I understand it right??

I never appreciated enough the fact of having the opportunity to live in USA, until Apr 2020, where I decided to leave job because of the masks. I NEVER put any mask on my face, it was bad fight sometimes where people tried to force it, I always criticized that and left these places openly showing them my back. Somehow I survived the 3 years, there were still places with normal people.

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The full story is as follows. Knowing what I knew about the requirements for a disease to meet before a vaccine could be considered and that covid did not meet those and the the ways of assigning blame for disease and death to covid was and remains unique, I was dead set against the vaccine from that alone. Then we have the lie that it was safe and effective. Even if that were at some point prove true, it was a lie at the time because they simply could not know it then.

The full time staff and faculty and students at the three med. schools and 2 nursing schools I worked for were required to get Pf’s shot. As a part timers, I was not but was offered it free three different times, all of which I declined. Then the wife starts in. She works for Pf. I said “no” and continued to say “No” at her constant insistence that I get it. When she told me that it would cause her trouble with her employer if a family member got covid but hadn’t taken the shot, I said something along the lines of “tough shit.”. Later she tells me that our kids would not be allowed to go to school of any family member had covid like symptoms and a family member was not vaccinated. This turned out to be only partially true. Students were not allowed to attend school if a family member had covid like symptoms regardless of vaccination status of their family members. I would learn that later though. This, my kids denied going to school because I was not shot up bothered me greatly. Burned me up. Still I did not get the clot shot.

Japan got the shots after the US by several months. By the time they were available and I held out, reports of vaccine injuries and deaths were leaking out. Glad I did not get the shots but worried about all other members of the family who did. Then they started pushing for kids to get the shot. So I decided to get it in the hopes that it will do what it does to me before it is my kids turn to get in the hopes that it will wake my wife up and she will not allow it.

We did talk about it and she agreed that it was not then necessary for children to get it. I have come to suspect that she had our kids get it anyway.

Some months after I got the shot a mass has formed at the injection site. It causes a soreness that now impedes full range of movement and the soreness has spread.

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Students removing themselves by suicide helps keep the silent lunches silent. So that’s sort of a consolation for the authorities.

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Probably yes.

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"when they weren’t being made to spend long hours at home, they had to treat each other like biohazards when attending in-person education."

Exactly, but even worse: I know the case of a Japanese student, living like a biohazard at college in Nagoya, confined to her cubicle dorm room doing online coursework, anxious to get home, for her only chance at interaction during the height of the covid frenzy. Finally New Year's vacation approaches and she's dying to be with her family. But little sis is in her final year of high school and the family can't run the risk of big sister infecting the examinee (受験生) at university entrance exam time. "Stay at your dorm!" says mother.

Big sister took her own life.

I was told to be hush about this. Musn't upset the 和! (Wa-harmony).

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Unbelievably horrible! Good that she wasn't my student, because I would have gone to her funeral, walked up to her parents and told to their face that they killed their daughter.

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I want to say something. Something g must be said, but what can one say?

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After time to digest this and consider one of my own students who has a diagnosed mental illness from last year, I bet Mommy dearest’s reaction to her eldest daughter’s suicide is, “しょがない。”.

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Thank you for reporting. This is tremendously sad, but important information.

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A new COVID paper reveals that all 6 Lockdowns in Melbourne were ineffective and therefore in vain:


COVID MDPI on X: "Retrospective Evaluation of the Effectiveness of #COVID19 Control Strategies Implemented by the Victorian Government in #Melbourne—A Proposal for a Standardized Approach to Review and Reappraise Control Measures 👉https://t.co/iELaTMbxy5 by Fuss et al." / X (twitter.com)

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I wonder how many suicides are due to irreparable vax damage. I recently learned of a grade 5 girl (10 or 11 years old?) in our community who developed incessant headaches so much so that she no longer goes to school. Her whole family is likely jabbed and mainstream doctors are baffled. "Probably too much PE," they said to the jabbed and clueless mother. How many are living (or opting to end it all) due to permanent damage?

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Those deaths would be filed under the broad category of "suicides for health reasons", so good luck quantifying them accurately. In Japan's case, there's not much difference between suicides pre-vax (2020 and Jan-June 2021) and post-vax, so I doubt there's been a huge number of vax-injury induced suicides. That said, there has been a large jump in deaths from old age, so repeated mRNA injections may well be speeding up the cogitative aging process.

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Tragic, isn't it. I and many close to me on all sides of the Covid spectrum struggled mentally to the point that it occasionally debilitated me physically. The nature of the measures were suspiciously well suited to breaking folks in tune with the Hegelian Dialectic, ushering in 4th Industrial Revolution solutions not least of which Social Impact Investing. Mental health will be a massive Impact Market post pandemic, and having a positive "Impact" on it is a Global Goal (SDG). In my humble opinion the tragic mental health state in Japan is no mistake, rather an emerging market that has potential investors salivating as they anticipate running their Capital through our bodies and minds via invasive digital surveillance and tokenomics in a Web 3 Smart Contact layer.

For reference:


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sorry to say, but this is extremely misleading article! What's the % of covid genetically modified humans (frequently falsely called 'covid vaccinated') in Japan??? I'd say, it is NOT only young, but ALL AGE GROUPS after the covid shots are prone to suicides!!! My own uncle, just turned 80, took his life after the 4-th injection! Yes, sure all covid restrictions were terrible for the mental health, in particular the satanic masking, BUT please remind me, were the suicides up in 2020 already? Before the mass injections? Japan is a crowded country, people frequently had masks already on their faces, even with the old flu (~87% identical to covid19 btw..). Every single article trying to write stories about covid HAS TO TALK ABOUT THE COVID GMO injections!!! That is a MUST!

Look at the distribution of the nano-materials from those concoctions, wher eare they mostly concentrated?? In ovaries, reproductive organs of HUMANS. That extremely important info came out from Japan, btw....

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Blaming the suicides solely on the vaccine in this case doesn’t make sense because first, that would not explain the disparity between males (no change) and females, and second, we don’t know the vaccination rate for them, especially in the young age groups who likely are less vaccinated in the elementary to high school level (the 20+ may be more), and so if it were the vaccine then we would see the difference here too between the less and more vaccinated age groups. The psychological factors brought on by policy are enough to explain it alone

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I didn't say to look 'solely' at the covid19 GENETICALLY MODIFYING INJECTIONS, what I meant was these concoctions PLAY A ROLE, very important one, if not essential. To push everything on HUMAN psychology is not right in this case, if considering the timing starting at the end of 2020, when the final step in the covid crimes started. I'm talking in the first place from my own family experience, because that hit me most.

Not to talk about these injections in any serious covid related issues is a total DECEPTION. And talking about covid 'vaccines' is the tip of it!

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Yes, and as I just responded, they began increasing in the US and Japan before the shots were even ready.

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Don’t get me or us wrong, vaccine injury may very well lead people to suicide. It just isn’t the only game in town. There are many facets to this crime, vaccines being just one of them.

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Yes, suicides started to increase in 2020 not only in Japan but the US as well. Here are a few of the articles I collected three years on this aspect of the panic.

In the US.

April 21, 2020

Calls to suicide help hotline in Los Angeles increase 8,000% due to Coronavirus.

Nov. 30, 2020

Calls to suicide hotlines rise during COVID-19 pandemic

May 22, 2020

Suicides on the rise amid stay-at-home order, Bay Area medical professionals say


May 28, 2020

Calm Before the Storm for Japan as Coronavirus Ravages Economy

Nov 30, 2020

Japan had more suicides in October than all of the COVID-19 deaths during the pandemic.

Nov. 12, 2020

Japan suicides rise as economic impact of coronavirus hits home.

Note that all of these predate administration of the clot shot.

Immediately upon the suggestion of closing schools and locking down, many decried that these would lead to suicides and they have been proven correct.

Any and all of the nonsense we were forced to undergo these past years were more deadly than the disease. All were cures worse than the disease; school closures, lockdowns and the clot shot.

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Speaking of which, some of you might have noticed recently the suicide of a female singer in Hong Kong, Coco Lee. Local news reports in Chinese are strangely vague about the whole tragedy, they are still not sure how she tragically ended her life, and today there are reports that suggest she might have died because of suffocation from her own vomit (?). If that's the case it sounds more like a medical illness than suicide.

I am wondering about other suicides committed by people who are less well known. Are they really suffering from a medical condition or are they really ending their life on purpose?

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Another factor might be that young women lose iron by bleeding once per month and long Covid by the virus or vaccine is primarily iron dysregulation which women are more prone to.

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