This is Japan. What DOOO you expect!?

This is a land where until very recently, evacuees were forced to leave their pets behind to fend for themselves following disasters. I defy you to watch A Tale of Mari and Three Puppies and not weep in the movie theater.

Where following the 2011 Tohoku earthquake, farmers were forced to abandon their pigs, cattle and chickens when the order was given to evacuate areas declared exclusion zones around the Fukushima Daichi Nuclear Power Plant, and tens of thousands of people were relocated against their will causing many more deaths and illnesses than would have occurred had they been allowed to remain in their homes.

At the same time, this is a country where the government expressly announced to the public that nobody should be forced to be vaccinated and nobody would be allowed to discriminate against those who decided not to get vaccinated in terms of employment or in any other way. I still have the official newsletter sent to every household in Kyoto that lays out everyone's rights on the matter.

I deeply regret that this general policy was not adhered to in the medical field, where frontline staff had to choose between the jab and their job. But overall we should at least be thankful that in Japan the authorities still take human rights seriously enough not to allow them to be totally trampled underfoot, as has happened in so many parts of the so-called "free world".

Anyway, following the COVID Op, I have permanently retired to Bedlam and will not be coming out to play anymore. The way the vast majority of people in Japan, and especially of gaijins of my acquaintance—who on the whole seem more responsive to fear porn propaganda than the indigenous population—fell in line with the masquerade, or even worse, embraced the cosplay enthusiastically, has left me very reticent to mix with normies, let alone try to save them from what I might consider their folly.

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I just heard they had their first death due to cold in one of the emergency shelters. But at least they didn’t get infected with Covid before they froze to death.

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One of the many details I keep forgetting to include in my posts is that this keeping windows open during winter has been one of the many bits of unhealthy madness my kids have had to suffer through these past four years. In the winter of 2020, my oldest had to sit right next to the open window. My wife complained and he got moved but that just means that some other poor kid had to endure the worst while all had to deal with a chilly classroom.

I am close to the point where I am beginning to think that perhaps the human population does deserve to be culled. If this is not Darwinism in practice, what is?

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I could not help but to cringe at the scripted interviews of earthquake evacuees without heat or water, scripted to perpetuate virus fear-porn. And on my mandatory NHK tax fees. There is no limit to the depravity of the opportunists in the ruling class. Would not be surprised to see polyurethane masks and hand sanitizers included in the latest disaster bosai bug-out kits. To take a spin on a Charles Dickens Christmas classic ... "God damn them, everyone."

Cheers Guy.

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This will be my new catchphrase that I will be using regularly at the hospital that I work at in your Costco Japan, a military hospital. “Korona daka da sho ga nai”.

It seems that the government should be able to fork out some money for better ventilation systems in the refugee centers rather than subjecting the elderly to these freezing temperatures.

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I'm sure a heady mix of CO₂ & modRNA will lift their spirits!

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Clearly the officials, polititians and experts were sad that the earthquake didn't kill them so they're doing their best to see if they can cull them all. At least those staying is shelters.

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slowly it makes me thinking, that the years of feeding the japanese nation MSG (monosodium Glutamate) was for exactly that purpose, covidiocy.

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The government has no money to spend on jack shite. The only difference between Japan and Greece is that Japan can print its own money.

However, the idiot that came up with keeping the windows open should be hung.

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NHK news says (and this is almost 3 weeks post-quake) people are sleeping in their cars rather than shelters because of fear of infectious disease.

Having read GG’s post above, I’d also consider the possibility that some might be staying in cars because they’re warmer than shelters with open windows, but either way, what a clusterf**k.

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Hello folks,

I'm afraid the Covidiocy runs much deeeeeeper than face diapers.

Read Dr. Kauffman’s short statement on how virologists ‘isolate’ viruses? https://andrewkaufmanmd.com/sovi/

Then read the foundational paper claiming to have identified a new novel coronavirus, and see if you can discover if a control experiment was done. A little detail known as the Scientific Method:


This is the Mother Ship paper from which all the Scariants are derived/referenced. If you read closely you will discover it’s all computer generated nonsense. The authors of the paper told investigative journalist Torsten Englebrcht that they hadn’t isolated the virus, yet this paper has been used as the foundation to claim all the scariant branches.

Here are Christine Massey’s FOIs requests to most governments around the world asking for evidence that they have a virus isolate. All come back with a NO!


After opening the link there is a brief introduction and then all links to 220 FOIs requests. It’s an eye opener!

For a great one stop destination debunking Germ Theory/pathogenic "viruses" visit the excellent:


Kind regards,


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