As has become common for me with your postings for some reason, I will comment on it first without reading it and then again after I have read it. While bias is a problem with all research, masks have long been known to have perverse effects against virus control. That is, they have been known to aid in the transmission of viruses rather than reduce them.

Will read after doing the next on the “Honey do” list.

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Ah, excellent, Guy, for you to look at this one--as a resident in Norway (and frequent reporter--see my Substack), I briefly considered 'participating', if only to see what kind of BS these people were doing.

Two brief things to note (which I may or may not discuss in a posting on my own, who knows, since you already pointed out the most absurd issues):

* the last author, Preben Aavitsland, is kind of one of my bete noires here in this entire shitshow masquerading as a 'public health emergency'; he's one of Norway's leading pro-vaxxers and has yet to find someone and something that would be contraindicated for any injectable product. Note, further, that Preben (we're in Norway are all on first-names only) is particularly vain, never wrong, and also omits one crucial factoid from the paper: he's an adjunct professor, and while this might be construed as academic pettiness on my part (a 'real' professor), he could have just said so. Pathetic.

* the second, much more obviously problematic issue at-hand here is that Norway ended all mandates in early February 2022, which makes the study period (2 Feb.-24 April 2022) makes the entire set-up and study population almost entirely absurd: those who continued to wear masks after (almost all) mandates were ended are, well, probably closer to the Japanese you describe so consistently: morons, that is. I suppose, then, that the 'bias' you mention (lolcatz, btw), derives, in no small part, from this peculiar setting of the 'study' against a society that, from February through April 2022, could possibly care spectacularly less (nor nothing at-all).

Read up on the ending of mandates in Norway here: https://fackel.substack.com/p/covid-in-norway-which-will-end-most

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So to summarize whatever the results of an RCT say it must be spun to support the narrative. It is common sense to conclude that breathing in your own CO2 for long periods is both unhealthy and unnatural. I will concede that those who were obsessive about facemask use tended to be more germ phobic and probably did test more. But the mask mandates were not put in place for the reason of germ control...

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Before making policy on the basis of there being no studies on masks for covid and then using later low quality studies as proof their policies were right, they should have looked at was already known about masks against airborne viruses.

I am becoming more and more convinced that they knew from the get go that mask did not work against viruses. The masks work for something else, and that has nothing to do with protecting health.

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“if we want to avoid the authorities again putting ill-conceived restrictions on our actions, we need to put restrictions on the authorities’ ill-conceived actions.”

Really great quote!

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Nov 24, 2023·edited Nov 24, 2023

Remember the news headlines in Canada which proclaimed that both graphene oxide and titanium dioxide had been found in the paper masks?

Mask tyranny enabled graphene oxide and titanium dioxide (nano-sized metals) to be breathed in thus connecting humans to the Internet of Nano Things and the WBAN (Wireless Body Area Network IEEE802.15.6 in the Terahertz Band.)

The masks, genetic jabs and tests ALL contain this SMART (AI) namotechnology which connects humans to the Internet of Bio-Nano Things (IoBNT) for surveillance under the skin.

These crimes of warrantless search and seizure are contrary to Sections 184(1) and 430(5) of the Criminal Code of Canada were the actual reason for the Covid-19 military operation. They needed to get the nanotechnology biosensors into human bodies to connect them to the Cloud. Welcome to the Internet of Bodies. You are a node on the network. Doctors will soon be obsolete because "precision AI health-care" can be done remotely via Artificial Intelligence algorithms based on your digital twin.








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Well... It's not just any glasses... It is SUNGLASSES!

Those 6 morons that wrote that waste of resources should just cull themselves wearing sunglasses.

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