More money wasted on things people do not need. No one need a vaccine for the sniffles. In other countries, the Covidians want amnesty for making so many errors about the coof. It was nothing more than hysteria. Japan hasn't gotten the memo yet I guess.

In one picture, that Yamaguchi clown is wearing a mask but in another he is not. I don't get why people in general don't see the silliness of this all.

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Great post, as always. The mask theater would be hilarious, if it weren't so damn sad. Nice 2030 Agenda logo on Mr. Gates's lapel there. The totalitarians do love shoving it in our faces, don't they? At least the faces of those of us who can see them clearly for what they are. I no longer live in Japan and don't know Yamaguchi, but in that photo, he looks the part of a perfect useful fool.

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🤮 Japan and Canada (Montreal 💗 Moderna)

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