Beware of attaching too much significance to “spike”.

We find that because we test for it. We don’t test for other proteins.

There’s likely an admixture of foreign proteins being created (note frameshift issue), potentially everywhere in the body for an indeterminate time.

Any foreign protein expression will result in autoimmune attack and inflammation.

The people who want to profit off the mRNA platform want you thinking about spike as (1) it makes people think that vaccine injury could be from “the virus” and (2) “next time” they can make it “better” by selecting a different antigen target.

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Thank you for that Jonathan - that's the first time I've heard this point of view and it makes good sense.

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Hi Guy Gin (and tonic).

"Once is an accident. Twice is a coincidence. Three times is enemy action." — Ian Fleming.

Got an upcoming camping trip with a circle based in Hino, none of whom are jabbed ... and I'm doing some education related work here with the local community around Noborito which includes a few unjabbed. But a quick query verified that they knew nothing of the mass demonstration in Ikebukuro of the Japanese government's impending betrayal of bodily autonomy to the WHO. https://www.aussie17.com/p/developing-massive-rallies-break.

I marched on the Aussie embassy in my ''Arrest Fauci T-Shirt" back in Dec. of '21, and an anti-Phizer march in Shinjuku a month or so later (or was it before?) ... but hell, even I did not know about this anti-WHO rally — and it was a big one. My red-pilled Japanese friends who follow X (Twitter) Japan were also in the dark. Just wondering if you knew about it ... and if so, are able to share access to that pipeline.


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Steve Martin, thanks for sharing this. (I hope you enjoy your camping trip!) I know exactly what you're talking about, how in the dark we all are, to at least some degree, with the censorship. And there are so many people, so many of their stories / reporting / actions I could say this about. Right now what's blinking on my radar, would that it could have much sooner, is the work of Hedley Rees.

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Hi Transcriber.

And an apology for not keeping up with all you are doing. Now flooded with information and getting more involved with the local community.

Much thanks for the headsup about Hedley Rees. Just did a quick search, and found out I have free Kindle access to "TAMING THE BIG PHARMA MONSTER: By Speaking Truth to Power". Still haven't finished "What the Nurses Saw", but downloaded that book immediately.

Cheers, and keep up the good fight.

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Thanks for your note, Steve, and you know what, I don't think it's possible to keep up with what I'm doing, I can't keep up with it myself! (lol). I'm reading Hedley Rees right now, too. Very happy for you that you've found some local like-minded people.

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Thanks for keeping in touch.

I plan on starting a series of interviews of some of the brighter lights here in the local community. Kind of a present-tense version of your historic documentation.

Cheers T!

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P.S. For you, Steve, and for anyone else who might be doing interviews, I would imagine that you may encounter, even from those who talk tough in private, a strong reluctance to go on record. I thought what Avital Livny did for her interviews for her documentary "The Testimony Project" was both clever and very respectful of her interview subjects' concerns. Livny said in an interview about it in 2022, "no wonder people were afraid for their jobs, of what their colleagues and friends would say, and they didn't want to come out with their stories. So in order to give them a sense of confidence and safety, I gave them my word that I will not publish anything before I have at least 40 testimonies."

More here: The Testimonies Project (Israel)


Also, see:

Avital Livny Giving Evidence About Testimony Project In Israel To Grand Jury Day 6

February 26, 2022




https://odysee.com/@GrandJury:f/Grand-Jury-Day-6-en-online:7 ]

Transcript of excerpt: https://transcriberb.dreamwidth.org/6167.html

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Great advice T. Will follow up on those links shortly.

I was thinking of going anonymous under a separately registered substack under a pseudonym, and for the safety of both myself and the interviewee, am thinking about a recorded voice version, but no faces.

Will have to do some serious thinking about how to appeal to a Western audience with interviews mostly limited to my modest Japanese skills. Maybe the original audio transcript, followed by a translated audio dialogue using cloned voices from ElevenLabs?

One problem with cat-and-mouse advances in A.I. ... I can imagine a lot of platforms being flooded with digitally cloned and twisted versions of projects conceived in good faith. Meh, I guess that has always been the way of "nothing personal — just business".

Much thanks for the thoughtful consideration.


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Good wishes, I think that will be a tremendous contribution.

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Aussie17 has also been doing a good job of covering high correlations be the jab and rising cancer rates.



And John Campbell's recent post about cancer in Japan ...


I have a quibble about his assessment that Japan is more open to the science. Not for public consumption.

And to bring the stats to a personally moving statement (though no mention of her vaxx status) ... https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=p0m6Sw5_uMc&t=14s

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Same as you, I didn’t hear about it until after it happened. That said, I’ve been pretty inactive on social media this year, so I wasn’t all that surprised.

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I hear you about social media. Those who have not yet been convinced we are on the defensive end of a multi-pronged NGW, will most likely not be convinced by social media or even personal chats — until it is their own assets being divvied up by the victors.


Family, friends, and local community ... that's about all we can trust, and even that is a continual struggle.

Aussie17 provided a couple of links to stay on top of things, but they are somewhat generic, so if I find a good X or Telegram feed, will post 'em for you, Falstaff, and anyone else in Japan — or wants to share from Japan.


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Guy Jin,

I had not received any notice of posts from you in a long while and finally did a search. According to substack, you have not posted since April, and even that one I had not seen.

Hope all is well with you.

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Kitsune, nice of you to ask how I'm doing.

The truth is I'm all blogged out: since Covid dropped from the news in Japan, I've not had much reason to keep blogging about Japan's Covid craziness. Admittedly, there are plenty of other things I could write about instead, but the primary purpose of the blog was to document how Japan's Covid response wasn't the laudatory example the English-language MSM claimed it was. I started the blog in early 2022 to vent my spleen after almost 2 years of masks, partitions, and other nonsense, but at this point, I doubt there's much I could say that would add to what I've already said numerous times before.

If/When the next viral craze hits Japan, I may try blogging again if the western MSM pisses me off enough. But my main hope for MCWinJ is that future historians or whoever can refer to it as a counterpoint to the infuriatingly positive coverage Japan got in the NYT, WaPo, etc.

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Understandable. Miss your take on the rally’s and Japan’s domestically concocted clot shots nonetheless. I have also not seen a hospital or clinic, including veterinary, that have stopped masking. So that madness continues in certain quarters and at this point, doubt it will ever go away.

Take care.

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Witnessing the same findings right here in old blighty. Everyone knows at least a few people with cancer, all post vaxx.

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And what's not normal is the turbo. A question of weeks or months from what was apparently robust health to death. A friend recently died of turbo prostate cancer, summer to winter, gone. My dad had prostate cancer, but it was treated for almost 30 years and he ended up dying of something else. Peeps in my circles not connecting dots, yet. Incredibly.

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Could not agree more.

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Please cite a paper with proper controls for an isolated and purified "SARS COV2“ "virus“. For 100 000 USD.

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If it's not a "virus," what is it? EMF radiation? At the time, I thought it was interesting that Covid cases in Japan only took off after 5G went live in Tokyo and other major Japanese cities at the end of March 2020. Apparently 5G went live in Wuhan in Oct19 🤷🏼‍♂️


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Great question. Thank you!! Before I answer can I ask you to define what a convid case is? Is it a positive result of a Pure Crap Real time test or something more specific than an in silico invention of an algorithm? Could a convid case be the poz result of the Pasteur Institute‘s Pure Crap Real time test whose primer sequences are identical to human chromosome 8?

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Indeed. I find a 'strange' correlation between Kary Mullis's own assessment of the PCR he invented, his assessment of Fauci and the cartel, and the timing of Kary Mullis's oh-so 'natural' death.

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Yeah, his demise just before the SCAMDEMIC reeks!! All the PCR, gain of fiction lab leak fiction are limited hangouts to keep our eyes off the central fraud of the virus lie. You can't PCR for viruses that don't exist.

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Great question. I wish I knew the truth of any of it. We live in a land of make-believe, don't we?!

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Just a thought Tirion - if. you believe CONvid may be 5G "poisoning" (or whatever term), how would Fenbendazole or IVM work?

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My comment about Fenbendazole and IVM related to cancer, not covid, although (coincidentally?) IVM is well known to treat covid also. As you probably know, some believe that all illness is caused by parasites, which would explain why IVM works:


Unfortunately, I'm not scientifically trained; so I'm better equipped to ask questions than to provide answers in this field! The alleged connection between 5G and covid, as well as between earlier technological developments (beginning with the telegraph) and previous "pandemics" is, however, certainly intriguing to my mind:




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Covid cases went up because they started testing for them, no tests existed in country in the early days of the panic, and then again when they changed the criteria for doing so and for blaming covid for everything in line with the US. Not all of Japan changed the way the blamed covid for things, but Tokyo and much of the rest did.

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While I appreciate that reverse transcription of vax mRNA is a legitimate concern, the final quote about “residual DNA” possibly being oncogenic makes me think of the actual DNA that has been found as impurities in the vax.

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No, indeed, none of this is funny. On the bright side, there is a great deal of emerging evidence that Fenbendazole and Ivermectin are being used to treat many types of cancer successfully:




The Tippens Protocol: https://mycancerstory.rocks/

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Thanks for reporting.

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Thank you, most sincerely!

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