Dec 5, 2023·edited Dec 5, 2023Liked by Guy Gin

It's a shame people attracted to positions of authority tend to be high in behaviors inversely correlated with 'nice'.


I vaguely remember the study of heart attack among low ranked bureaucrats at Whitehall. Seems not much has changed since then (26:00) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gIRwFOqZa2Q. Aside from the most ephemeral of communities, loners, and outcasts, so it has always been, thus it will always be — until we cease to exist as a species.

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Thanks for the info, Guy. I hadn't had the chance to read this study yet - very much appreciated! My university students are STILL about 30% masked...

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Remember the article about the Montessori school in New York?


There was one line in it that encapsulated the misery these mandates inflicted on the children, 'Some kids had apparently ‘grown so forlorn and desperate’ during silent lunch that they ‘made up their own sign language so they could communicate with each other’.

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If you understand and accept that the whole point of the pandemic measures was (and is) to harm and control the population, then the masks were actually all benefit. In Canada, they're still encouraging parents to allow their BABIES to get jabbed despite the fact that they're at zero risk from Covid. My brother's toddlers are fully-vaxxed and probably also boosted, since he's had three boosters himself (dead man walking).

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It would also be brilliant if most teachers, and certainly teachers' union leaders read this. I'd be happy to set them a little test to ensure that they had read and understood. (Although there must be very many test-setters better qualified to undertake this task.)

It absolutely sickened me that delivery drivers and supermarket till staff just had to suck it up and get on with their work. Meanwhile, Mossisons' supermarket in the UK were giving "teachers" a 10% discount, whilst the teachers were sat on their arses, mostly doing nothing and on full pay!

The crazyness pandemic.

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What we’re seeing is a cult and the mask denotes and signals membership. Mask use is increasing among leftists. No study, regardless of validity or origin will spur them to abandon their masks.

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Poor kids.

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