Sitemap - 2022 - Making (Covid) Waves in Japan

Party like a Japanese Covidian: advice for New Year get-togethers

Jabonomics: Japanese taxpayers to keep paying for Covid shots

Japanese regional news reports on post-vax deaths and injuries

Mask dependency among young Japanese

Do infected people get what they deserve? Covid stigma in Japan

Tomahawk missiles: Is Japan getting enough bang for its bucks?

Paediatric jabs in Japan: third time is a harm

Govt experts oppose downgrading Covid, citing excess cardio deaths

Japanese Defense Ministry claims it’s fighting "fake news", not researching psyops

Japanese Defense Ministry researching AI-based psyops

Bereaved relatives berate Japan's Ministry of Health

Japan's quarantine, immunisation, and infectious disease laws: revised but not improved

Silent school lunches: Govt claims it was never their rule

Prof Fukushima goes nuclear

Xocova's emergency approval: "presumed" effective, obviously unnecessary

Year-on-year mortality increases: Japan’s new normal

Japan’s conservative Covidians

Anybody for antibodies? Daiichi Sankyo's “effective” mRNA jab

Japan’s legally questionable emergencies

Yet another wave: Japan’s past & future “emergencies”

Jabonomics: Japan's Ministry of Finance calls for an end to "free" Covid jabs

Opposition MP: "US pharma company" will build factory in Japan, govt will buy its jabs for 7 years

Regional news asks if kids’ jabs increase infections

Bereaved families call for Japanese government to acknowledge post-jab deaths

Japan quietly pays compensation for over 1000 post-jab health harms

Japan’s top modeler returns for Season 8 of The Covid Show

Birth & Death data for August: good news and bad news

Prof Kitamura: an expert you can trust?

Gig in Japan: music venue Covid guidelines turn the nonsense up to 11

Study shows Japan’s school Covid rules are bad for kids’ health

A Tale of Two Pills: Media bias in reporting Ivermectin and ensitrelvir

More shots through the heart: post-V myocarditis mortality multiple times higher than expected

Early 2020 expert advice in Japan: masks are pointless for healthy people

The myth of widespread Ivermectin use in Japan

Is Eric Topol right about the Japanese and the jabs?

Shot through the heart? Post-booster excess deaths in Japan (updated 8 October)

Will visiting biohazards revitalise Japan's economy?

Playing with dead kids: using dodgy data to promote children's jabs

Abe in June 2022: "Russia felt they'd been fooled" by NATO expansion

Mugs' shots: The long-running scam of "If you get the jabs, you may get to unmask"

Japan proposes ways to handle incoming biohazards (updated 27 Sept)

Some of Japan’s opposition MPs finally oppose jabs for kids

A Modern(a) Romance Pt 2: Moderna proposes a 10-year relationship

Spike up your life: Japanese study shows higher antibodies can be anti-body

Good news for a change (updated 23 Sep)

Japan extends The Covid Show for another season

Japan gets ready to jab kids under 5

Daily cases vs. daily doses: spot the difference

Japan changes sides in the War on Alcohol

Japan's birth rate: still lower but stable

Japanese doctors speak honestly about Covid vaccines

Moderna’s bivalent jab boosts infections

Japan to relax entry restrictions, but still foreigners = virus

Japan has 8000 excess suicides "due to Covid"

Kishida gets Covid

Is he serious? Aichi governor asks the government to count Covid deaths & severe cases properly

BCG Tokyo-172: Finally a safe & effective Covid vaccine!

The Ministry of Untruth: Japan's MHLW continues to explicitly mislead even after the CDC stops

Waste not vs. want not: possible reasons for Japan's stronger recommendation for kids' jabs

Japanese lessons: how not to respond to a pandemic

Child sacrifice: Japan to strengthen its recommendation for Covid shots for kids

Unjabbed Japanese: Why didn't they take it?

Is ABC News right about masks bringing Omicron deaths down in East Asia?

Take a PCR test, get a gift voucher: profiting from the pandemic in Tokyo

Japan leads the world (in cases)!

Tourism reopening: Japan fails to attract foreign biohazards

Japan's birth rate is lower than expected for 3 months running (Update 26 July)

Copying the Japanese: Masks, microbes, and meals (Updated 23rd July)

Will Japan soon start to move towards normality?

This week in the Covidiocracy: the 7th wave and the unholy trinity

Abe on Covid: successful arsonist turned failed firefighter

Upper House Election Results: What happens next? (Updated 12 July)

News from the Covidiocracy

The first two years of Covid in Japan: turning immunological victory into economic defeat

Hunting asymptomatics: Are the opposition parties right about mass-testing?

Upper House Election: The Covid polices of Japan's political parties

Sport in Japan suffers in silence

Post-vaccine adverse events in Japan: evidence of racial differences?

How did Japan achieve a high vaccination rate without coercion?

What caused Japan’s excess deaths in early 2022?

Japan prepares for the permanent pandemic

Japanese TV semi-honestly reports on post-vaccine adverse events

Why has Japan had so few Covid deaths (Part 5)? Was it international travel restrictions? (Updated 29 July)

The Japanese fail to take Moderna fully into their hearts

What will convince the Japanese to unmask?

New abnormal tourism: Japan plans to handle foreign biohazards (Updated 8 June 2022)

Sakoku 2.0: a short history of Japan’s long entry ban

Suicide in Japan during Covid: no country for young women (Updated 19 June 2022)

Schools out (of their mind): a message from the front line of Japan’s Covid insanity

Honey, you screwed your immune system

May the 4th (shot) be in you

Nikkei Business questions Covid restrictions and vaccines

Tokyo's restaurant restrictions are found to be illegal.

Panic in the Pacific: A tiny Okinawan island creates a medical "emergency"

More dodgy data: The Japanese Government publicly slanders the unjabbed (Updated 1 June: Even the media have noticed)

Japanese TV finally questions the necessity of masking all the time

They can't be serious! And in Hiroshima, most weren't

Lancing The Lancet’s logic (Updated 21 June 2022)

Why has Japan had so few Covid deaths (Part 4)? Was it immunological factors?

The Japanese govt (kinda) documents its crimes

Year-on-year all cause deaths up by 19,500 in February in Japan

Why has Japan had so few Covid deaths (Part 3)? Was it masks? (Updated 7 April 2023)

Why has Japan had so few Covid deaths (Part 2)? Did they stay home more?

Why has Japan had so few Covid deaths (Part 1)? Was it culture?

Governor Nagasaki: he does it for your health, not his.

Safe and (presumably) effective: Japan proposes to lower its emergency authorisation standards

End of an affair: AstraZeneca gets no love in Japan

Daily boosters and daily deaths: Maybe it's just a coincidence

Post-vaccine shingles: Japanese news looks at a hard-to-hide side effect

Anybody for antibodies? Japanese TV lamely attempts to flog boosters

Flashback to Japan's first state of emergency: The one time an honest expert was asked for an opinion

Japanese TV gently touches on post-vaccine injuries

Japanese TV presents some critical opinions for a change

No jab, no drink: Saitama wins the prize for most pointless vax-pass policy

Wait Two Weeks! Evidence of higher Covid infection and death risk immediately after vaccination (Updated 11th April)

You can't be serious! Why Japan's severe case numbers on Our World in Data can't be trusted (Updated 26 April 2022)

Post-death positives and other evidence of inflated Covid deaths

Gov Omura: a pharma sales rep moonlighting as a politician

Great moments in Japanese TV's Covid reporting

Govt Covid Expert Hospitalised for Severe Covid

Yet another idiotic governor

A critical look at the Japanese govt's information about Covid vaccination for 5-11 year olds

Japan's most annoying governor (updated 27 April 2022)

Yet more ways to stop the spread

The reason for Japanese schools' crazy Covid rules

Misleading Myocarditis Maths (Updated 9 June 2022)

Deaths up by 67,000 in 2021

Any old shot (Updated 26 April 2022)

Honest Accounting

Don't ask; don't tell

Japan's top modeller

Japan's most moronic governor?

Death by numbers

Pointless provincial panic

On masks and misconceptions

School's out

Mambo No.3

Mambo No.2

Mambo No.1

Japan's Fourth State of Emergency

Japan's Third State of Emergency PT 3

Japan's Third State of Emergency PT2

Japan's Third State of Emergency PT1

Japan's Second State of Emergency

Japan's First State of Emergency

Coming soon